Elden Ring Wiki

Withered Astel is an enemy in Elden Ring.


Withered Astels are insect-like creatures with long bodies comprised of spheres. They have spindly, multi-jointed limbs that end with six-digited hands, translucent wings, and humanoid skulls. They are typically found hanging from the ceilings of caves, and will fire rocks at the player from a distance. Visually, they are almost identical to Astel, Naturalborn of the Void, but the spheres composing their torsos are grey.


Very low Stance, easily broken with one or two heavy jumping attacks.

For the one in Perfumer's Grotto and Altus Tunnel, the former location has direct access to it for either melee or ranged attacks while the latter can only reach it with very long ranged weapons such as Bows. The fight isn't very complicated, with almost no cover and in the Altus Tunnel one can still run up and down the branches while surviving its assault.

For Uhl Palace Ruins stick close to the walls if taking the lower paths, so its attacks can hit. To reach the platform the Astel is on, head up some fallen pillars to the right and then the cliffside.

Ainsel River Main is similar to the Uhl Palace Ruins location, except the Astel is already reachable from ground level and does not require any platforming.




