Elden Ring Wiki

White Mask is an armor piece found in Elden Ring.


Bloodstained, faintly grinning mask.

Worn by war surgeons who were effectively mercy killers.

The Lord of Blood's curse enlivens the wearer when bloodletting occurs. Slightly raises attack power when there is blood loss nearby.

血に汚れた薄笑いの白仮面 戦場の介錯者たる、従軍医師たちの装束

血の君主の、呪われた血の影響で 周囲で出血状態が発生すると 僅かに攻撃力が高まる

Bloodstained, faintly grinning mask.

Worn by war surgeons who were effectively mercy killers.

The Lord of Blood's curse enlivens the wearer when bloodletting occurs. Slightly raises attack power when there is blood loss nearby.


Dropped by killing one of the three Nameless White Mask NPC invaders in the Mohgwyn Palace, northwest of the Palace Approach Ledge-Road site of grace, in the blood-filled lake. The one that drops it can be found adjacent to the Giant Crow enemy near the lake exit from the tunnel.
