Elden Ring Wiki
Disambig This article is about the demo version of the Warrior character base. For the final game version, see Warrior.

Warrior was one of the five characters available in the Elden Ring Closed Network Test.

It, along with the Prophet, would reappear in the final release, but with a different shield and without the Ash of War: Storm Blade on their swords, and with slightly altered stats (1 less Vigor, 2 more Mind, 4 less Endurance, 1 less Strength, 1 more Dexterity, 1 more Intelligence, 1 more Faith, and 1 less Arcane).

Starting Equipment[]

ER Equipment Slot Icon Transparent R Weapon Weapons
ER Icon weapon Scimitar Two Scimitars (both w/Ash of War: Storm Blade)
ER Icon shield Buckler Buckler
ER Equipment Slot Icon Transparent Armor Armor
ER Icon Armor Blue Cloth Cowl Blue Cloth Cowl
ER Icon Armor Blue Cloth Vest Blue Cloth Vest
ER Icon Armor Warrior Gauntlets Swordsman Gauntlets
ER Icon Armor Warrior Greaves Swordsman Greaves
ER Equipment Slot Icon Transparent Item Items
Flask of Crimson Tears - MENU Knowledge 00018 copy Flask of Crimson Tears
Flask of Cerulean Tears - MENU Knowledge 00022 copy Flask of Cerulean Tears
ER Icon Tool vision of grace Vision of Grace


Though this beta origin is mostly available in the form of the release version of the Warrior, some equipment has been changed.

The weapons, shield, and ash of war are acquirable in Limgrave: Scimitars can be gained by killing Scimitar-wielding Skeletons at a 2% drop rate (Deathtouched Catacombs is the earliest farming spot) or 1 can be bought from Twin Maiden Husks for 600 Runes or 2 are held by the Warrior Origin as starting equipment, Buckler can be gained by buying it from Gatekeeper Gostoc for 1,500 Runes or by starting as a Bandit, and 1 Ash of War: Storm Blade can be bought from Bernahl at Warmaster's Shack (getting a second one requires a Lost Ashes of War, easiest gained by buying from either the Isolated Merchant at the Isolated Merchant's Shack (Weeping Peninsula) or the Isolated Merchant hidden in Academy of Raya Lucaria).

The Blue Cloth Set can be gained by either starting as a Warrior or bought from the Isolated Merchant hidden in Academy of Raya Lucaria and found by going around the eastern transportation sigil at the Main Academy Gate Site of Grace.

Suitable Origins[]

The Warrior is obviously extremely suitable, seeing as it only lacks the Buckler and Ash of War: Storm Blade to have the whole kit.

The Bandit Origin has the shield starting out, can gain the rest of the important equipment relatively easily, and has the stats to use all of it.

The Prisoner, Samurai, and Vagabond Origins also have the stats to use the equipment by default.
