Elden Ring Wiki

Thorn sorceries,[1] also known as aberrant sorceries,[2] are a type of sorcery in Elden Ring. These Faith-based spells damage the caster to summon cursed Briars of Sin that deal Magic damage and inflict Blood Loss upon their targets. Drawn from the heretical blood star and the forsaken Scadutree,[3] thorn sorceries reflect the agonizing woe of those who wield them.[4]


Thorn sorceries, encompassing both bloodthorn hexes and impenetrable thorn sorceries, embody the torment of their casters.[2][5] Bloodthorn hexes summon spiraling tendrils of blood, born from the suffering of those who beheld the blood star after their eyes were crushed by the Briars.[6][7] These guilty sorcerers use smoldering saplings as a catalyst to transform sacrificial blood into red glintstone, a practice reviled by the sorcerers of the Academy of Raya Lucaria.

Impenetrable thorn sorceries, in contrast, are tied to the holiness of the sacred Scadutree.[8][9] They were created by those who abandoned incantations after their devout Faith led only to despair. Both forms of thorn sorcery channel the anguish of those condemned by Queen Marika.[3]

List of thorn sorceries[]

Image Name Effect FP cost Faith req. Slots Location
ER Icon Spell Briars of Punishment Briars of Punishment Wounds caster to unleash trail of bloodthrorns 9 21 1 Looted on the Mountaintops of the Giants
ER Icon Spell Briars of Sin Briars of Sin Summons thorns from a whorl of your own blood 6 24 1 Defeat the lone guilty near the Church of Vows in Liurnia of the Lakes
ER Icon Spell Impenetrable Thorns Impenetrable Thorns Summons the Scadutree's impenetrable thorns from the earth 15 24 1 Looted at the Shadow Keep Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree
ER Icon Spell Mantle of Thorns Mantle of Thorns Covers self with the Scadutree's impenetrable thorns 9 20 1 Defeat the Ulcerated Tree Spirit in the Shadow Keep's Church District Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree

Boosting thorn sorceries[]

Briars of Punishment, Briars of Sin, and Impenetrable Thorns:


  • Alberich's Robe (Altered) and Alberich's Trousers do not provide a bonus to thorn sorceries.
  • Mantle of Thorns does not benefit from effects that boost thorn sorceries but provides considerable damage when rolling, especially when combined with the Briar Armor set.
  • Thorn sorceries do not produce a spell sigil when cast.
  • Wielded by the Guilty and the mysterious Scadutree Avatars.
  • Thorn sorceries impale their targets from below.



See also[]

