Elden Ring Wiki

Terra Magica is a spell in Elden Ring.


One of the glintstone sorceries of the Academy of Raya Lucaria.

Draws an academy sigil upon the ground, raising the magic strength of those within.

Once, the sigil would be cast from the highest belfry of the academy, covering the entire institution's grounds. This spell allows such vivid experience of spell—casting success, it turns many a fledgling into a true sorcerer in a flash of newfound understanding.




One of the glintstone sorceries of the Academy of Raya Lucaria.

Draws an academy sigil upon the ground, raising the magic strength of those within.

Once, the sigil would be cast from the highest belfry of the academy, covering the entire institution's grounds. This spell allows such vivid experience of spell—casting success, it turns many a fledgling into a true sorcerer in a flash of newfound understanding.


Creates a large, stationary sigil inside of a circle, centered on where the caster stands that lasts for 30 seconds and grants a +35% (+20% in PvP) increase to all Magic damage dealt while standing inside of it.


Since all Magic damage, not only that from Sorceries, is increased, other powerful sources of Magic damage such as the incantation Glintstone Breath and the unique skill Sorcery of the Crozier from the Watchdog's Staff Colossal Weapon benefit greatly from it.

The buff is unique, meaning it stacks with any other buff used. Additionally, since the buff only matters at the time the damage is inflicted, the damage increase is granted even if the spell, skill, or consumable is used outside of the affected area as long as the caster stands in the sigil when it hits.

Due to the limited area of effect where the buff is granted it can be difficult to make use of the effect except in ambushes and the starting moments of a fight.


  • The ground-bound sigil of this is Sorcery is the same as the one created when casting basic Glintstone Sorceries such as Glintstone Pebble and Glintstone Arc.
  • This spell's name was Terra Magicus upon release but was changed to Terra Magica at a later date.
  • The buffs is applied through what is basically an attack that deals 0 damage, as can be seen if the Golden Epitaph unique skill Last Rites is used in the vicinity of an already created Terra Magica. This is because the unique skill grants a small amount of flat Holy damage which Terra Magica thereafter applies on each attack.

See also[]
