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Elden Ring Wiki

Spellproof Dried Liver is a craftable, consumable tool in Elden Ring.


Cured animal liver, dried out after pickling in a blue medicinal solution. Craftable item.

Temporarily boosts magic damage negation, improving damage mitigation against attacks imbued with magic.

青い薬液に浸した後、乾燥させた獣肝 製作可能なアイテムのひとつ

一時的に、魔力カット率を高め 魔力属性のダメージを軽減する

Cured animal liver, dried out after pickling in a blue medicinal

solution. Craftable item.

Temporarily boosts magic damage negation, improving damage mitigation against attacks imbued with magic.


Increases Magic damage negation by 15% (10% in PvP) for 120 seconds upon consumption. This counts as a Body Buff.


  • Compared to Magic Fortification:
    • In PvE there is a tradeoff, the Liver has greater duration (120 seconds vs 90 seconds) and much lower FP cost (0 FP versus 20 FP) while the Fortification has greater Magic damage negation (35% versus 15%).
    • In PvP the Liver is stronger, since these effects have the same strength but the Liver has a greater duration and no FP cost.


Required items[]

See also[]
