Elden Ring Wiki
ER Inventory Menu Icon Sorceries

Sorceries (魔術, Majutsu) are a medium of spells in Elden Ring.

All sorceries require some FP to be cast and the majority of them require a heavy investment into the Intelligence stat, however, there are still some Faith and Arcane-based sorceries to be found. Sorceries can only be manifested through the use of Staves acting as a catalyst.

The actual damage or effect per casting of a Sorcery is based on a unique stat of Staves called Sorcery Scaling, or SS. The value of this stat for any staff depends on the quality of the staff, its Strengthening level, and a combination of your relevant Stats and Attributes combined with the staff's Grade Ratio for those attributes (primarily focusing on Intelligence). Individual spells will have their Power ratio represented as % SS (such as POWER: 75% SS), which represents the percentage of an equipped staff's Sorcery Scaling value that is used for each shot. Do note that enemy resistances will factor into how much damage you see an enemy take; the Power % shown for attack spells is based on calculations done on unarmored neutral critters in the starting zones.

Schools of Sorceries[]

List of Sorceries[]

Icon Name Effect FP Cost Slots Int Fai Arc
ER Icon Spell Adula's Moonblade Adula's Moonblade Sweeping slash followed by cold blade projectile 22 1 32 0 0
ER Icon Spell Ambush Shard Ambush Shard Strikes from behind with projectile fired from distance 13 1 23 0 0
ER Icon Spell Ancient Death Rancor Ancient Death Rancor Summons horde of vengeful spirits that chase down foes 21 1 34 24 0
ER Icon Spell Blades of Stone Blades of Stone 18 2 48 0 0
ER Icon Spell Briars of Punishment Briars of Punishment Wounds caster to unleash a trail of bloodthorns 9 1 0 21 0
ER Icon Spell Briars of Sin Briars of Sin Summons thorns from a whorl of your own blood 6 1 0 24 0
ER Icon Spell Cannon of Haima Cannon of Haima Lobs an explosive magic projectile in an arc 38 (14) 1 25 0 0
ER Icon Spell Carian Greatsword Carian Greatsword Performs sweeping slash using magical greatsword 12 1 24 0 0
ER Icon Spell Carian Phalanx Carian Phalanx Forms a defensive arch of numerous magic glintblades 24 1 34 0 0
ER Icon Spell Carian Piercer Carian Piercer Conjures a magic sword to impale foes 17 1 15 0 0
ER Icon Spell Carian Retaliation Carian Retaliation Dispels enemy spells and retaliates with glintblades 8 1 17 0 0
ER Icon Spell Carian Slicer Carian Slicer Performs swift sweeping slash using magical sword 4 1 14 0 0
ER Icon Spell Cherishing Fingers Cherishing Fingers Surrounds the caster with a mesh of hefty fingers 20 1 36 0 0
ER Icon Spell Collapsing Stars Collapsing Stars Pulls foes toward caster with gravity projectile volley 18 1 36 0 0
ER Icon Spell Comet Comet Fires a great magic comet 24 1 52 0 0
ER Icon Spell Comet Azur Comet Azur Fires a tremendous comet within a starry torrent 40 (10) 3 60 0 0
ER Icon Spell Crystal Barrage Crystal Barrage Fires a volley of glintstone crystal shards 14 (2) 1 23 0 0
ER Icon Spell Crystal Burst Crystal Burst Fires a burst of glintstone crystal shards 14 1 18 0 0
ER Icon Spell Crystal Release Crystal Release Scours area with violent rain of crystal shards 34 1 41 0 0
ER Icon Spell Crystal Torrent Crystal Torrent Scours area with violent rain of crystal shards 34 1 47 0 0
ER Icon Spell Eternal Darkness Eternal Darkness Creates a dark space that draws in spells 25 1 35 0 0
ER Icon Spell Explosive Ghostflame Explosive Ghostflame Causes ghostflame explosion that burns wide area 36 (25) 1 42 30 0
ER Icon Spell Fia's Mist Fia's Mist Release a mist of death before caster 25 1 23 18 0
ER Icon Spell Fleeting Microcosm Fleeting Microcosm Conjures a microcosm that pulses with a single wave, disappearing in a burst 26 1 42 0 0
ER Icon Spell Founding Rain of Stars Founding Rain of Stars Releases a downpour of star rain for a while 32 1 52 0 0
ER Icon Spell Freezing Mist Freezing Mist Releases cold mist before caster 20 1 21 0 0
ER Icon Spell Frozen Armament Frozen Armament Enchants right-hand armament with frost 20 1 15 0 0
ER Icon Spell Gavel of Haima Gavel of Haima Attacks using a magic greathammer 25 1 25 0 0
ER Icon Spell Gelmir's Fury Gelmir's Fury Covers area with surge of magma from the earth 27 (32) 1 28 15 0
ER Icon Spell Glintblade Phalanx Glintblade Phalanx Forms a defensive arch of magic glintblades 20 1 22 0 0
ER Icon Spell Glintblade Trio [[Glintblade Trio|]] Creates sigil that forms three projectile glintblades after delay
ER Icon Spell Glintstone Arc Glintstone Arc Fires a horizontally-widening magic arc 10 1 13 0 0
ER Icon Spell Glintstone Cometshard Glintstone Cometshard Fires a magic comet with a trailing tail 19 1 36 0 0
ER Icon Spell Glintstone Icecrag Glintstone Icecrag Fires mass of cold magic from glintstone 12 (22) 1 15 0 0
ER Icon Spell Glintstone Nail Glintstone Nail Fires a shattering magic nail 10 1 18 0 0
ER Icon Spell Glintstone Nails Glintstone Nails Fires multiple shattering magic nails 23 1 32 0 0
ER Icon Spell Glintstone Pebble Glintstone Pebble Fires magic projectiles from glintstone 7 1 10 0 0
ER Icon Spell Glintstone Stars Glintstone Stars Fires three shooting stars that pursue foes 14 1 12 0 0
ER Icon Spell Gravitational Missile [[Gravitational Missile|]] Fires a bolt of gravity that pulls in enemies 18 1 36 0 0
ER Icon Spell Gravity Well Gravity Well Pulls foes toward caster with gravity projectile 12 1 17 0 0
ER Icon Spell Great Glintstone Shard Great Glintstone Shard Fires larger magic projectiles from glintstone 12 1 16 0 0
ER Icon Spell Great Oracular Bubble Great Oracular Bubble Launches a large magic bubble 16 1 25 0 18
ER Icon Spell Greatblade Phalanx Greatblade Phalanx Forms a defensive arch of larger magic glintblades 30 1 29 0 0
ER Icon Spell Impenetrable Thorns Impenetrable Thorns Summons the Scadutree's impenetrable thorns from the earth 15 1 0 24 0
ER Icon Spell Loretta's Greatbow Loretta's Greatbow Fires great arrow from a magic greatbow 28 1 26 0 0
ER Icon Spell Loretta's Mastery Loretta's Mastery Fires four great arrows from a magic greatbow at once 43 1 46 0 0
ER Icon Spell Lucidity Lucidity Alleviates buildup of sleep and madness 10 1 17 0 0
ER Icon Spell Magic Downpour Magic Downpour Summon a magic mass that sprays projectiles over area 20 1 15 0 0
ER Icon Spell Magic Glintblade Magic Glintblade Creates sigil that forms a projectile glintblade after delay 12 1 14 0 0
ER Icon Spell Magma Shot Magma Shot Fire lump of magma that explodes on contact 24 (3) 1 19 10 0
ER Icon Spell Mantle of Thorns Mantle of Thorns Covers self with the Scadutree's impenetrable thorns 9 1 0 20 0
ER Icon Spell Mass of Putrescence [[Mass of Putrescence|]] Flings a great mass of putrescence 41 1 28 22 0
ER Icon Spell Meteorite Meteorite Calls small meteors down from the sky 30 (12) 1 30 0 0
ER Icon Spell Meteorite of Astel Meteorite of Astel Calls a hail of small meteorites from the void. 60 (12) 2 55 0 0
ER Icon Spell Miriam's Vanishing [[Miriam's Vanishing|]] Conceals self in a glintstone haze 9 1 26 0 0
ER Icon Spell Night Comet Night Comet Fires semi-invisible magic comet 21 1 38 0 0
ER Icon Spell Night Maiden's Mist Night Maiden's Mist Releases life-sapping silver mist before caster 20 1 14 0 0
ER Icon Spell Night Shard Night Shard Swiftly fires a semi-invisible magic projectile 7 1 18 0 0
ER Icon Spell Oracle Bubbles Oracle Bubbles Launches several small magic bubbles 12 1 19 0 15
ER Icon Spell Rancorcall Rancorcall Summons vengeful spirits that chase down foes 14 (24) 1 16 14 0
ER Icon Spell Ranni's Dark Moon Ranni's Dark Moon Incarnate a cold, dark moon and launch it at foes. 62 (25) 2 68 0 0
ER Icon Spell Rellana's Twin Moons [[Rellana's Twin Moons|]] Incarnate twin moons and repeatedly strike the ground 47 72 0 0
ER Icon Spell Rennala's Full Moon Rennala's Full Moon Incarnate a full moon and launch it at foes 55 2 70 0 0
ER Icon Spell Rings of Spectral Light [[Rings of Spectral Light|]] Creates rings of spectral light that fire in unison 14 1 24 18 0
ER Icon Spell Rock Blaster Rock Blaster Thurst staff into ground to emit a massive shockwave 25 (5) 1 21 0 0
ER Icon Spell Rock Sling Rock Sling Summons rocks from the earth and sends its flying 18 1 18 0 0
ER Icon Spell Roiling Magma Roiling Magma Fires lump of magma that explodes after delay 32 1 21 12 0
ER Icon Spell Rykard's Rancor Rykard's Rancor Releases searing spirits that repeatedly explode after delay 35 2 40 18 0
ER Icon Spell Scholar's Armament Scholar's Armament Enchants right-hand armament with magic damage 25 1 12 0 0
ER Icon Spell Scholar's Shield Scholar's Shield Enhances left-handed shield damage negation 30 1 12 0 0
ER Icon Spell Shard Spiral Shard Spiral Fire twin spiraling projectiles 14 1 27 0 0
ER Icon Spell Shatter Earth Shatter Earth Thrust staff into ground to emit a shockwave 12 (5) 1 15 0 0
ER Icon Spell Shattering Crystal Shattering Crystal Creates crystal mass that shatters in forward burst 32 1 38 0 0
ER Icon Spell Star Shower Star Shower Fires six shooting stars that pursue foes 23 1 24 0 0
ER Icon Spell Starlight Starlight Creates star light to illuminate surroundings 12 1 15 0 0
ER Icon Spell Stars of Ruin Stars of Ruin Fires twelve dark shooting stars that pursue foes 38 1 43 0 0
ER Icon Spell Swift Glintstone Shard Swift Glintstone Shard Swiftly fires magic projectiles from glintstone 5 1 12 0 0
ER Icon Spell Terra Magica Terra Magica Raises the magic strength of those within the sigil 20 1 20 0 0
ER Icon Spell Thops's Barrier Thops's Barrier Erects a magic forcefield to deflect spells 7 1 18 0 0
ER Icon Spell Tibia's Summons Tibia's Summons Summons Those Who Live in Death 20 (46) 1 28 20 0
ER Icon Spell Unseen Blade Unseen Blade Makes right-hand armament completely invisible 18 1 12 0 0
ER Icon Spell Unseen Form Unseen Form Makes the caster semi-invisible 20 (10) 1 16 0 0
ER Icon Spell Vortex of Putrescence Vortex of Putrescence Launches a whirl of putrescent jets 29 2 32 26 0
ER Icon Spell Zamor Ice Storm Zamor Ice Storm Thrust staff into ground to create freezing tornado 22 (20) 1 36 0 0


See also[]
