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Elden Ring Wiki

Skill: Quickstep is a Skill in Elden Ring.


Skill: Quickstep

Skill prized by the crafty and fleet of foot. Perform a quickstep maneuver that allows for circling around lock-on targets.


機敏さと攪乱で戦う者たちの戦技 素早くステップ移動する ターゲット固定状態では、回り込みとなる

Skill: Quickstep

Skill prized by the crafty and fleet of foot. Perform a quickstep maneuver that allows for circling around lock-on targets.




The Player Character dashes quickly in any direction. This dash has invincibility frames (i-frames), the amount of said i-frames depends on the player's Equip Load. The distance and i-frame-count gradually decreases the more Quickstep is used repeatedly in quick succession.

While quickstep is omnidirectional, it mainly uses the four primary directions (left, right, forward, backward) as a base for it's movement and should the player follow up a step with a normal, non-strong attack, what attack-animation is used depends on which of these base-directions are used.

  • Forward: triggers the Rolling Attack, with it's fast windup, but short reach.
  • Left, Right and Backwards: triggers the Backstep Attack, with it's ability to quickly close distances.

Quickstep can also be used to quickly move through waist-deep waters and swamps.


Inexperienced users may be thrown off from quickstep's base-directional nature during especially hectic fights, (particularly when implementing both locked-on and locked-off play) it is possible to take advantage of the different directional dashing animations by intentionally aiming them in unintended directions.

Such as the reverse-quickstep, with it's ability to quickly position the player directly behind the enemy or close even further distances, which can be performed with these inputs:

1) While locked on: hold ER Button Icon Playstation L backwards while pressing ER Button Icon Playstation L2 .

(This will buffer the backwards version of quickstep)

2) Before the player-character quicksteps: unlock from the enemy while still holding ER Button Icon Playstation L backwards.
(This will change the targeted location that the player-character will try to quickstep away from to behind the player, causing them to backwards quickstep towards their previous target instead)
3) Press ER Button Icon Playstation R1 (Or ER Button Icon Playstation L1 if using a paired weapon) to buffer a backstep attack.
4) Lock back on to the target or manually redirect the upcoming backstep-attack in any direction you like with ER Button Icon Playstation L .

1) While locked on: hold ER Button Icon Xbox L backwards while pressing ER Button Icon Xbox LT .
(This will buffer the backwards version of quickstep)
2) Before the player-character quicksteps: unlock from the enemy while still holding ER Button Icon Xbox L backwards.
(This will change the targeted location that the player-character will try to quickstep away from to behind the player, causing them to backwards quickstep towards their previous target instead)
3) Press ER Button Icon Xbox RB (Or ER Button Icon Xbox LB if using a paired weapon) to buffer a backstep attack.
4) Lock back on to the target or manually redirect the upcoming backstep-attack in any direction you like with ER Button Icon Xbox L .

If the player can time and space their reverse-quickstep correctly they may even be able to put themselves in the perfect position for a backstab against humanoid opponents. This is one of the fastest, safest and most consistent ways a player can weave in backstabs against an aggressive opponent in PvP.


  • Costs 12 points of Stamina per use.
  • If used without meeting the stat requirements of the weapon this skill costs no FP, which is useful for traveling in environments where you can't run.
  • Compared to Skill: Bloodhound's Step this skill costs less FP (3 vs 5) in exchange for traveling a shorter distance and not becoming partially invisible during its use.


  • This is a returning skill from Dark Souls III.
  • Patch 1.10: Decreased the invulnerability window of the Quick Step and Hound's Step skills.
    • Both Quickstep and Bloodhound's Step are referred to incorrectly in this update, as "Quick Step" and "Hound's Step" respectively.
  • Patch 1.06: Shortened the activation interval when using “Quick Step” skill in succession, increasing its ability to circle around the enemy when locked-on and add the changes below: Reduced performance when used continuously, Increased travel distance when on light equip load.
    • Quickstep is incorrectly referred to as "Quick Step" in this update.