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Join the Serpent King, as family... Together, we will devour the very gods!- Rykard, Lord of Blasphemy

Rykard, Lord of Blasphemy is a boss in Elden Ring. He is a Demigod and a Shardbearer who is encountered in Volcano Manor.



Rykard was born the son of Radagon, a champion of the Erdtree, and Queen Rennala, head of both the Carian Royal Family and the Academy of Raya Lucaria.[1] He had two siblings, Radahn and Ranni.

At some point, the first Elden Lord, Godfrey, was robbed of grace and hounded from the Lands Between. Rykard's father, Radagon, left Rennala to become Queen Marika's new consort and the second Elden Lord.[2] Rykard and his siblings were thus raised to demigods by their new step-mother, Marika.[3]

Under the Golden Order, Rykard was a ruthless justiciar who commanded a company of inquisitors.[4] His inquisitors persecuted and mercilessly tortured those considered heretics to the Golden Order, such as the Albinaurics. He spent time in the volcanic Mt. Gelmir, where he discovered the ancient magma hexes of a forgotten serpent-worshiping religion native to the region, which he brought back into practical use as new sorceries.[5][6] Rykard also travelled to a foreign land where he encountered a dancer by the name of Tanith, who he would eventually take as his consort.[1]

Rykard was also known for the construction of the Iron Virgins, automatons which were capable of both battlefield carnage and abducting victims to transport them to the Volcano Manor.[7]

Rykard's budding blasphemous inclinations led him to assist his sister, Ranni, in orchestrating the Night of Black Knives. On the night of the plot, Ranni rewarded Rykard with a slab of rock engraved with the traces of the Rune of Death, which would allow him to challenge the black beast of Destined Death, should the coming trespass one day transpire.[8]

The Shattering[]

At some point following the the Night of Black Knives, Queen Marika shattered the Elden Ring, and her offspring acquired the Great Runes. The maddening taint of their newfound strength led to the Shattering, a war between Marika's demigod descendants, each seeking to become the new ruler of the Lands Between.[9]

Rykard was indignant, and viewed the Erdtree and the gods demanding that the demigods fight over miserly scraps of power to be debasing.[10] He launched a blasphemous campaign against the Erdtree and the Greater Will.[11] When he turned to heresy, taking by force became the rule, the gods themselves being no different.[12] Rykard's ambitions, though blasphemous, marked him a worthy sovereign,[13] and drew many followers to his cause who admired his heroic aspirations. His rebels were known as the Recusants.

Based in the Volcano Manor on Mt. Gelmir, his forces battled the armies of the Leyndell in what would become the most appalling battle of the Shattering,[14] a wretched, unending war with no glory.[15] Acts of cannibalism became a sickening reality across the battlefields, and some forces from both sides became afflicted with the Frenzied Flame sickness.

At some point during the Shattering, Rykard fed himself, Great Rune and all, to the blasphemous serpent that dwelled inside Mt. Gelmir,[3] an ancient traitor to the Erdtree,[16] merging with the creature. In the final moments before being devoured, he briefly had a vision of the future wherein he witnessed a serpent devouring the world.[17]

Following this, his lofty ambition degraded into gluttonous depravity.[18] He fed on his greatest champions, and in the bowels of the serpent, they became the lord's family.[19] Disturbed by what had become of their master and by the costly battles waged in his name, Rykard's forces abandoned him.[18][20] Some attempted to put him to rest by searching for a mighty weapon capable of killing their lord. Such a weapon was found in the Serpent-Hunter, an enchanted spear crafted to hunt an immortal serpent in the distant past.[21] However, all attempts made to take his life failed. The spear would come to reside in Rykard's chambers, left by a former Recusant who hoped a worthy champion might one day appear to wield it and spare the once-noble Rykard from further dishonor.[22]

When Rykard gave himself to the elder serpent, the birth of the man-serpents followed,[23] the deformed offspring of a repellent birthing ritual.[24][25] One such man-serpent, known as Zorayas, would go on to be adopted by Tanith, and learn to assume an illusory human form in which she went by Rya. She was unaware of the origins of her birth, as Tanith concealed the truth of the Volcano Manor from her and insisted she was born of the grace of a king.[26] It is implied that the woman known as Daedicar was one such woman subjected to the ritual, the biological mother of Zorayas and other man-serpents.[27]

At some point before giving himself to the serpent, Rykard offered Tanith the Tonic of Forgetfulness to purge her memories of him. However, she refused, claiming "My Lord, there could be no greater distress than to forget you."[28] Tanith was the only human known to stand with Rykard after he merged with the serpent of blasphemy; as in that moment, she was truly charmed by him.[29] The Crucible Knight bodyguard of Tanith may have also served the Volcano Manor before Rykard was devoured, and as such, would have been the second human known to remain loyal, but this remains unknown. Tanith would continue her lord's legacy by leading a new force of Recusants, recruiting unsuspecting Tarnished after their return to the Lands Between following the end of the Shattering. The worthiest of these Tarnished champions would be granted an audience with Rykard, which ended with them being devoured by the serpentine demigod to increase his power further.

Eventually, a Tarnished champion managed to reach Rykard's chambers, and defeated the serpentine demigod to claim his Great Rune. Rykard took notice of this and awoke to confront the Tarnished, then pulled out a massive sword from the serpent's mouth, while boasting that they would join the Serpent King as family. After a hard battle, Rykard was ultimately slain by the Tarnished. Upon his death, he claimed "A serpent never dies", proven true when his initially vanished corpse began to regenerate. After Rykard is slain, Tanith suggested she planned to soon depart, having no reason to remain at Volcano Manor. However, afterwards she secretly journeyed to Rykard's chambers and attempted to eat his tremendous corpse, muttering her hopes that Rykard might live on within her, just as he had the serpent.

Boss Fight[]

The fight consists of two distinct phases, each with its own health bar. Phase 1 must be beaten each time to reach phase 2.

The Serpent-Hunter can be found sticking out of a pile of corpses near the entrance to the arena, and can be obtained without alerting the boss. This weapon makes the fight significantly easier, as it produces blades of light when swung that allow for long-distance attacks.

Defeating this boss will terminate Tanith's questline, regardless of how far one has progressed it. Any Volcano Manor targets not yet unlocked will also be missed.


Moveset List  
Earthquake Phase 1 & 2
Digs its head into the ground and raises it again, releasing a tremor which moves towards the player. Can be avoided by moving to the side, however the tremor covers a wide area.
Bite Phase 1
Lunges towards the player and bites them. Sometimes performs two subsequent bites.
Poison Spit Phase 1
Spits green fluid at the player, leaving pools of Poison on the ground.
Devour Phase 1
Grabs the player with its mouth and throws them in the air.
Forward Bite Phase 1
Thrusts its neck forwards and bites several times. On the final bite, it releases several magma orbs from the ground beneath it.
Magma Slam Phase 1
Slams its head into the ground, causing magma to erupt from the ground around it.
Thrash Phase 1
Spins around, thrashing with its neck, while lava erupts around it.
Rykard's Rancor Phase 1
Lowers his head and emits a line of flaming skulls from his mouth. The skulls move in an arc, which is followed by a series of explosions following their trail.
Sword Strikes Phase 2
Swings his sword several times, and finishes with a forward stab. Occasionally follows up by swinging his sword upwards, unleashing magma.
Rancor Rain Phase 2
Raises his blade skyward, causing burning skulls to rain down from above. These skulls home in on the player and explode following a short delay on impact. Rykard will continue to attack while the skulls rain down.
Sword Stabs Phase 2
Grips his sword in two hands and thrusts forwards three times. Occasionally follows up by swinging his sword upwards, unleashing magma.
Taker's Flame Phase 2
Raises his sword above his head, imbues it with fire, and slashes downward, generating an explosion which moves forward from the blade.
Sword Combo Phase 2
Slashes downwards vertically, then sweeps his sword horizontally along the ground, and finishes with a stab. Occasionally follows up by swinging his sword upwards, unleashing magma.
Stomp Phase 2
Stomps with his right foot, triggering a series of magma eruptions around the arena.
Leap Phase 2
Leaps forwards or backwards, releasing magma in all directions after landing.

Phase 1 - God-Devouring Serpent[]

The God-Devouring Serpent is slow-moving, surrounded by a pool of magma. The magma makes it difficult to get close without taking damage, however the Serpent-Hunter allows for one to attack from a safer distance. It uses a combination of quick biting attacks and eruptions of magma, as well as a poison attack.

Phase 2 - Rykard, Lord of Blasphemy[]

After reducing the Serpent's health to 0, a cutscene plays and phase 2 begins. Rykard, armed with a sword, moves around the arena similarly to the Serpent, however his moveset is almost entirely new.


Rykard's arena is a spacious cavern, dotted with piles of corpses and tall corpse pillars, which can be broken by Rykard's attacks. The size of the arena is helpful for avoiding Rykard's Rancor and Rancor Rain, as one can run around the room until the attack ends.


  • Localisation Notes
    • The "coming trespass" mentioned in the Blasphemous Claw description is more specifically the "coming blasphemy" (冒涜, Bōtoku.)


English Dialogue  
Phase 2 cutscene
Very well.
Join the Serpent King, as family...
Together, we will devour the very gods!
If the player is killed
Now, we can devour the gods together!
No one will hold me captive.
A serpent never dies.
Ha ha ha...

Japanese Dialogue  
Phase 2 cutscene
If the player is killed



  1. 1.0 1.1 Rykard's Great Rune
  2. Miriel, Pastor of Vows: "However. When Godfrey, first Elden Lord, was hounded from the Lands Between, Radagon left Rennala to return to the Erdtree Capital, becoming Queen Marika's second husband and King Consort. Taking the title...of second Elden Lord."
  3. 3.0 3.1 Rykard's Great Rune
  4. Gideon Ofnir: "Praetor Rykard is the Lord of the Volcano Manor on Mt. Gelmir. He is a ruthless justiciar who commands a company of inquisitors, reviled for his serpentine demeanour."
  5. Magma Shot
  6. Serpent-God's Curved Sword
  7. Patches: "Have you ever seen an iron virgin? The clunky contraptions are whirlwinds of sickles and spiked wheels. ...but long ago, they were endowed with a spell of transposition."
  8. Blasphemous Claw
  9. Intro Cutscene: "Soon, Marika's offspring, demigods all, claimed the shards of the Elden Ring. The mad taint of their newfound strength triggered the Shattering. A war from which no lord arose."
  10. Tanith, Volcano Manor Proprietress: "The Tarnished were forced to scavenge, squabbling for crumbs. Like the shardbearers, vying for power in the wake of the Shattering. Our Lord, indignant, has refused. To scurry about, fighting over what miserly scraps they allow us. If the Erdtree, and indeed the very gods, would debase us so, then we are willing to raise the banner of resistance, even if it means heresy."
  11. Knight Bernahl: "O Greater Will, hear my voice. I am the recusant Bernahl, inheritor of my brother's will, and you will fall to my blade. We refuse to become your pawns. Consider this fair warning."
  12. Taker's Cameo
  13. Volcano Manor Ghost: "Praetor Rykard's ambitions, though blasphemous, marked him a worthy sovereign."
  14. Sir Gideon Ofnir, the All-Knowing: "The volcano, Mt. Gelmir, lies in the west of the Altus Plateau; the realm of the Erdtree. It was the stage of the most appalling battle in the entirety of the Shattering."
  15. Sword Monument: "The Assault on Volcano Manor / The squalid, the sick, the blasphemous; / a wretched, unending war with no glory"
  16. Duelist Set
  17. Devourer's Scepter
  18. 18.0 18.1 Gelmir Knight Armor
  19. Rykard's Rancor
  20. Stranded Souls: "Lord Rykard... If this putrid field of death is what your blasphemy would bring, then I can no longer abide. No one can."
  21. Serpent-Hunter
  22. Volcano Manor Ghost: "Whatever that thing is, it is no longer Praetor Rykard. Someone must kill him. To spare him, and his ambitions, from further dishonour."
  23. Man-Serpent's Ashes
  24. Serpent's Amnion
  25. Rya: "I'm afraid... there is something I must tell you. I was an unwanted child. Born not of grace, but of a hideous ritual. Something that can never be accepted, not by men, nor serpents."
  26. Rya: "Lady Tanith is my mother. I am told I was born by the grace of a glorious king. That my mother cherishes this form I inhabit."
  27. Daedicar's Woe
  28. Tonic of Forgetfulness
  29. Consort's Set

