Elden Ring Wiki

Roderika the spirit tuner prentice. Pleased to make your acquaintance.- Roderika, Spirit Tuner

Roderika, Spirit Tuner, also known as the Heartbroken Maiden, is a merchant character in Elden Ring.


A Tarnished[1] noblewoman who, despite having never seen the guidance of grace[2], travelled to the Lands Between along with her companions. After arriving, those companions fell victim to Godrick, becoming subjects for his grafting.[3] Roderika alone survived, taking refuge in Stormhill Shack. It is here that she meets the Tarnished. She beseeches the Tarnished to bring a message to her grafted companions, whom she refers to as chrysalids, assuring them that she loves them and will join them soon.[4]

Roderika then heads to Roundtable Hold. Here, she becomes acquainted with Smithing Master Hewg, who takes notice of her gift for spirit tuning and is reminded of a spirit tuner he knew long ago, whose eyes were of the same hue as Roderika's.[5] Reluctantly, Hewg agrees to teach Roderika everything he knows about spirit tuning.

Roderika remains at Roundtable Hold, where she hones her newfound talent and eventually becomes a fully-fledged spirit tuner.[6] Her ability to sense spirits allows her to notice the Dung Eater's presence, which she warns the Tarnished about.[7]

After the Erdtree burns, Roderika attempts to convince Hewg to leave Roundtable[8], but to no avail. She chooses to respect Hewg's decision, and remains behind with him even after he forgets her.[9] As the hold burns, she begs the Tarnished to become Elden Lord, and to use the weapons Hewg forged to slay Queen Marika the Eternal.[10]


Spirit Tuning[]

Roderika can upgrade Spirit Ashes up to +10 using Grave Glovewort and Ghost Glovewort.

Character information[]

Roderika cannot be harmed or killed.


Stormhill Shack
Cannot be harmed
Roundtable Hold
Cannot be harmed


Crimson Hood
Noble's Traveling Set


Quest items[]

ER Icon Gestures Sitting Sideways"Sitting Sideways" Gesture
Given by Roderika at Stormhill Shack after exhausting her dialogue.
ER Icon Ash Spirit Jellyfish AshesSpirit Jellyfish Ashes
Given by Roderika at Stormhill Shack or Roundtable Hold after exhausting her dialogue.
ER Icon Key Item Chrysalids' MementoChrysalids' Memento
Found in Stormveil Castle. Can be given to Roderika at Stormhill Shack to prompt her to move to Roundtable Hold.
ER Icon bolstering golden seedGolden Seed
Given by Roderika in Roundtable Hold after giving her the Chrysalid's Memento. Can be found on the floor in Stormhill Shack if she moves to Roundtable Hold on her own.
ER Icon Armor Crimson HoodCrimson Hood
Found in Stormveil Castle where the Chrysalid's Memento was, after Roderika becomes a Spirit Tuner.
ER Icon Gestures Curtsy"Curtsy" Gesture
Given by Roderika after levelling any Spirit Ash up to +4 or higher.

Questline progression[]

  1. (Optional) Stormhill Shack
  2. (Optional) Stormveil Castle
  3. (Optional) Stormhill Shack
    • Deliver the Crysalids' Memento to Roderika in Stormhill Shack and exhaust her dialogue to get her to move to Roundtable Hold.
  4. Roundtable Hold
    • Roderika can be found by the fireplace in the central room. Talk to her to obtain a Golden Seed once she arrives.
    • Note: if you defeated Godrick or rest at a Site of Grace in Liurnia without speaking to Roderika in Stormhill Shack, she will move to Roundtable Hold on her own, and will leave the Golden Seed on the ground in the shack.
  5. Roundtable Hold
  6. Roundtable Hold
    • Return to Roderika and speak to her to tell her what Hewg said.
  7. Roundtable Hold
    • Return to Hewg and select "About Roderika" again, followed by "Would you watch over Roderika?" and finally "It's what she wants".
  8. Roundtable Hold
    • Reload the area and Roderika will be sitting opposite Hewg. It is now possible to upgrade Spirit Ashes by speaking to her.
  9. (optional) Roundtable Hold
    • Upgrade a Spirit Ash to at least +4 and talk to her to receive the "Curtsy" Gesture.
  10. Roundtable Hold
    • After burning the Erdtree, return to the Roundtable Hold, speak to Hewg, and select "Let's talk a while". You may then select the dialogue option "Why are you still making weapons?" After talking to Roderika and selecting "About Hewg", return to Hewg and select "What happened to her?"
  11. Roundtable Hold


English Dialogue  
Introduction (Stormhill Shack)
Everyone's...been grafted.
Everyone who came with me. They crossed the sea for me. They fought, for me.
Only to have their arms taken. Their legs taken. Even their heads...taken. Taken and stuck to the spider.
Did you know? If you're grafted by the spider, you become a chrysalid.
It's quite the lark, when you think about it.
If talked to again
You're all on your own, are you?
And heading to Stormveil Castle?
Enticed by the one in the white mask, I suppose. Oh, you've come to be one with the spider?
Well, that makes us two peas in a pod.
But I don't have your courage.
It's scary, you know. Having your arms cut off. Or legs. Or your head.
I want to be like everyone else, but I'm just too scared.
I'm nothing but a craven.
If talked to again
Oh, I know.
Can you take this little one along with you?
The poor thing deserves someone braver than myself…
And the spirits look rather fondly upon you.
It'll be glad of your company, I think, the little'un.
If talked to again
It was a pleasure to see you.
Oh, can you pass on a message for me, if you see the little chrysalids in Stormveil Castle?
Tell them I love them. And that despite my craven heart, I'm sure I'll be joining their club soon enough.
I'm finally getting the hang of this whole "pain" thing, you know.
Heh heh...
If talked to again
A pleasure to see you.
Did you give the little chrysalids the message?
That I love them. And that despite my craven heart, I'm sure I'll be joining their club soon enough.
Giving her the Chrysalid's Memento
What's this?
A keepsake? From my men?
Oh, goodness me…
I can't…
If talked to again
They all...believed in me.
They all thought I'd make something of myself. Me! Who can't do anything...
I think I'll head to the Roundtable Hold.
Perhaps I'll find my purpose there.
If talked to again
I think I'll head to the Roundtable Hold.
Perhaps I'll find my purpose there.
In Roundtable Hold (if previously met in Stormhill Shack)
Greetings. Nice to see you again.
My name is Roderika. I should have told you sooner.
The Roundtable Hold, covert quarters of the Two Fingers, and gathering place of champions who vie to become Elden Lord.
I never knew the guidance bestowed upon us Tarnished had such fantastic roots.
Although, it's all a bit much for me, in truth.
I'm still looking for my own purpose.
If given Chrysalid's Memento at Stormhill Shack
Oh, and…
Please, allow to me to express my thanks.
For giving me that keepsake from my men.
It was as if I was frozen with self-pity. I failed them at every turn.
You have my gratitude. Please, take this.
In Roundtable Hold (if not previously met)
A pleasure to meet you.
My name is Roderika. I'm a recent arrival.
Isn't this place impressive?
The Roundtable Hold, covert quarters of the Two Fingers, and gathering place of champions who vie to become Elden Lord.
I never knew the guidance bestowed upon us Tarnished had such fantastic roots.
Although, it's all a bit much for me, in truth.
I'm still looking for my own purpose.
If talked to again
It's all a bit much for me, in truth.
I'm still looking for my own purpose.
After reloading the area
A pleasure to see you.
Thank goodness you're safe.
I'm still looking for my own purpose.
It's not easy, by any means, but it's what I must do.
If Spirit Jellyfish Ashes not previously obtained
I'd like to ask you a small favour.
Can you take this little one along with you?
They can't be summoned here.
But the spirits look rather fondly upon you.
It'll be glad of your company, I think, the little'un.
"Tell her what the blacksmith said"
You're telling me I possess some kind of gift?
I don't believe you. But...
If I do have this talent, and goodness knows it would be my first...
I suppose I should try to hone it. Shouldn't I?
I'll ask Master Hewg to teach me.
Certainly, he does appear intimidating, and holds no love for us Tarnished...
But I know he's trapped here, at the Roundtable Hold... So...
I can tell. He's a gentle soul, underneath it all.
If talked to again
If I do have a talent for spirit tuning, and goodness knows that would be a surprise…
I suppose I should try to hone it. Shouldn't I?
I'll ask Master Hewg to teach me.
After persuading Hewg to teach her
Good to see you again. Thank you very much!
I have you to thank, don't I? For persuading Master Hewg?
I can happily announce that he has taught me the noble toil of spirit tuning.
I'm as yet unsure of what I might be able to accomplish,
but if I might be any help to you all, I'd certainly like to try.
And if there's any chance to ease the suffering of my dear men who were grafted...
Well, I certainly must try.
Roderika the spirit tuner prentice. Pleased to make your acquaintance.
Generic greeting
Are you here for spirit tuning?
After upgrading a Spirit Ash to +4
I feel like I'm really coming to grips with spirit tuning of late.
I can see how and why immortal essence exists as spirit under the Golden Order.
I can understand their yearnings, what they become drawn to...
Master Hewg said it himself, actually, that I'm no mere prentice any longer.
Once again, I'm pleased to make your acquaintance. Roderika the certified spirit tuner.
"There's something you should know" (after Dung Eater arrives in Roundtable Hold)
I need to warn you about something.
A little while ago someone started lurking in the wing on the opposite side of the roundtable.
And I can hear, from all the way over there...
The howling and wailing of spirits in fear of a curse. I can even hear the repulsive, twisted malison itself...
A plethora of spirits in an unceasing cacophony...
I can't even imagine. How much suffering, inflicted to who knows how many souls...
Not even the grafting caused anything like this to happen...
You should keep your distance.
I know you're strong, but please...
If talked to again
I can hear it from across the wing, past the roundtable...
The howling and wailing of spirits in fear of a curse. I can even hear the repulsive, twisted malison itself...
You should keep your distance.
I know you're strong, but please...
"About the spirits' voices" (after releasing Dung Eater from his gaol)
I can't hear them any more; the voices of the spirits cowering from the curse...
I suppose the Dung Eater must have left the Roundtable.
I just pray nothing ill comes of this.
"Please take care" (after Dung Eater returns to Roundtable Hold)
Be on your guard, I beg you.
He's back. The Dung Eater. Again.
I can hear them; the spirits as they howl and lament in fear of the curse.
And worse than ever, the reverberations of the twisted malison itself.
But after all this time, I've started to grasp it now.
I can hear, in the malison, another fearsome Order.
"About the spirit's voices" (after Dung Eater leaves Roundtable Hold once again)
The voices of the tormented spirits are silent again..
But it isn't like last time.
I'm almost certain...the spirits have escaped their confinement.
Did you...have anything to do with it, I wonder?
After burning the Erdtree
Take a look around. The Roundtable Hold is burned. Razed to the ground.
The Two Fingers went mad, and the Tarnished have all left.
Myself and Master Hewg are the only ones who remain.
Don't worry, I don't blame you.
I'll continue spirit tuning just the same as before.
Which is why I need your help persuading Master Hewg to leave.
His roots are so knotted in this place.
He won't last much longer if he stays here...
His shackles are broken. He's a free man, now.
It's high time he put the Roundtable behind him.
Generic greeting
I see. You're here for some spirit tuning?
"About Hewg" (after trying to persuade him to leave)
Oh, is that right...
So Master Hewg won't listen to you, either.
You have my thanks, regardless.
I'll try and talk him round next time.
I know he was given this great entreaty;
To craft a weapon which could slay a god. Though I can't help but think of it as a curse.
A fearsome curse, put on him by Queen Marika.
And if that's the case, I'm not sure there's anything we can do...
"What happened with Hewg" (after defeating Maliketh and talking to Hewg)
Ah. So it wasn't just me this happened to...
To think he'd forget who you were, as well.
I knew he'd burn himself out, old Hewg.
I think we could talk him into leaving the Roundtable Hold, now.
But maybe it's better that we don't.
It's only proper that we respect his choice to stay.
If talked to again
I'll remain with Hewg.
He made me who I am today.
I'd like to return the kindness, in whatever small way I can.
If talked to again
Please, become Elden Lord.
Hewg was always saying that you were a Lord, to him.
So slay her, with the weapons he smithed.
Slay the god, Marika, who cursed us all.
If attacked
You're willing to make me a chrysalid?
Ah, but I'm still a milksop craven...
I can't even govern myself to step beyond the bounds of this ward.
Please. You're only wasting your strength.
I know how you must feel.
But please, I'm not ready.
Or are you like me? You're so far out of your mind with fear...
You've divested yourself of all reason?
Please, stop.
Even if you persist, your fear will not abate.
Japanese Dialogue  
Introduction (Stormhill Shack)
If talked to again
If talked to again
If talked to again
If talked to again
Giving her the Chrysalid's Memento
If talked to again
If talked to again
In Roundtable Hold (if previously met in Stormhill Shack)
If given Chrysalid's Memento at Stormhill Shack
In Roundtable Hold (if not previously met)
If talked to again
After reloading the area
If Spirit Jellyfish Ashes not previously obtained
"Tell her what the blacksmith said"
If talked to again
After persuading Hewg to teach her
Generic greeting
After upgrading a Spirit Ash to +4
"There's something you should know" (after Dung Eater arrives in Roundtable Hold)
If talked to again
"About the spirits' voices" (after releasing Dung Eater from his gaol)
"Please take care" (after Dung Eater returns to Roundtable Hold)
"About the spirit's voices" (after Dung Eater leaves Roundtable Hold once again)
After burning the Erdtree
Generic greeting
"About Hewg" (after trying to persuade him to leave)
"What happened with Hewg" (after defeating Maliketh and talking to Hewg)
If talked to again
If talked to again
If attacked


  • After becoming a Spirit Tuner, Roderika will no longer wear her hood. The Crimson Hood will be in Stormveil Castle, on top of the pile of corpses where the Chrysalids' Memento was.
  • The Crimson Hood's description suggests that Roderika was royalty in her native land, sent to Lands Between without specific orders to get rid of her.




  1. Roderika, Spirit Tuner: "I never knew the guidance bestowed upon us Tarnished had such fantastic roots."
  2. Crimson Hood
  3. Roderika, Spirit Tuner: "Everyone's...been grafted. Everyone who came with me. They crossed the sea for me. They fought, for me. Heh... Only to have their arms taken. Their legs taken. Even their heads...taken. Taken and stuck to the spider."
  4. Roderika, Spirit Tuner: "Oh, can you pass on a message for me, if you see the little chrysalids in Stormveil Castle? Tell them I love them. And that despite my craven heart, I'm sure I'll be joining their club soon enough."
  5. Smithing Master Hewg: "The girl you brought here... She's crestfallen, and can scarcely swing a blade, but she has a gift for spirit tuning. I saw another one like her, long ago. Their eyes share the same hue."
  6. Roderika, Spirit Tuner: "Master Hewg said it himself, actually, that I'm no mere prentice any longer. Once again, I'm pleased to make your acquaintance. Roderika the certified spirit tuner."
  7. Roderika, Spirit Tuner: "I need to warn you about something. A little while ago someone started lurking in the wing on the opposite side of the roundtable. And I can hear, from all the way over there... The howling and wailing of spirits in fear of a curse. I can even hear the repulsive, twisted malison itself..."
  8. Roderika, Spirit Tuner: "Which is why I need your help persuading Master Hewg to leave. His roots are so knotted in this place. He won't last much longer if he stays here... His shackles are broken. He's a free man, now. It's high time he put the Roundtable behind him."
  9. Roderika, Spirit Tuner: "I'll remain with Hewg. He made me who I am today. I'd like to return the kindness, in whatever small way I can."
  10. Roderika, Spirit Tuner: "Please, become Elden Lord. Hewg was always saying that you were a Lord, to him. So slay her, with the weapons he smithed. Slay the god, Marika, who cursed us all."
  11. Sekiro Dubi: "The Ultimate Elden Ring Cut Content Documentary" (YouTube)
  12. Sekiro Dubi: "Elden Ring - Roderika Cut Dialogue - NSFW" (YouTube).
  13. Cut content Heartbroken Maiden: "What? Truly? What am I supposed to do now? Who's going to turn me into a grub so I can be like everyone else? Are you going to do it? You must be stronger than the spider, after all."
  14. Stratek: "Elden Ring - Roderika tells you the Two Fingers went mad (Unused/Cut dialogue)" (YouTube).
  15. Cut content Roderika, Spirit Tuner: "The Two Fingers went mad, and the Tarnished have all left. Myself and master Hewg are the only ones who remain."
