Elden Ring Wiki

Rileigh the Idle is a hostile NPC in Elden Ring.


The confessors loyally serve the Two Fingers by quietly disposing of their enemies.[1] The Roundtable Hold once had a sect of such assassins, appointed with hunting down the Tarnished who had strayed from guidance, and among them Crepus was their leader.[2]

Rileigh the Idle, one of the confessors, became a target of the Recusants of Volcano Manor. His sign is found in Altus Plateau, in the ravine south of the Shaded Castle.

Character Information[]


Right Hand Left Hand Armor Items Spells

ER Icon weapon Scorpion's Stinger
Scorpion's Stinger +5 (Quickstep)

ER Icon weapon Crepus's Black-Key Crossbow
Crepus's Black-Key Crossbow +10 (Black-Key Bolt x999)

ER Icon Armor Confessor Armor
Confessor Armor

ER Icon Flask crimson tears 4
Flask of Crimson Tears +1


Questline Progression[]

  1. Mt. Gelmir (Volcano Manor)
  2. Mt. Gelmir (Volcano Manor)

