Elden Ring Wiki
Elden Ring Wiki
Disambig This article is about the demo version of the Prophet character base. For the final game version, see Prophet.

Prophet was one of the five available characters in the Elden Ring Closed Network Test.

It, along with the Warrior, would reappear in the final release, but with a different weapon, offensive spell, and sacred seal, and with slightly altered stats (Faith remained the same but it gained 1 more Vigor and Dexterity, and 4 more Arcane, and 1 less Strength and Intelligence, 2 less Mind and Endurance).

Starting Equipment[]

ER Equipment Slot Icon Transparent R Weapon Weapons
ER Icon weapon Club Club
Clawmark Seal - MENU Knowledge 11244 copy Clawmark Seal
ER Icon shield Rickety Shield Rickety Shield (w/Ash of War: Holy Ground)
ER Equipment Slot Icon Transparent Armor Armor
ER Icon Armor Prophet Blindfold Prophet Blindfold
ER Icon Armor Corhyn's Robe Prophet Robe
ER Icon Armor Prophet Trousers Prophet Trousers
ER Equipment Slot Icon Transparent Item Items
Flask of Crimson Tears - MENU Knowledge 00018 copy Flask of Crimson Tears
Flask of Cerulean Tears - MENU Knowledge 00022 copy Flask of Cerulean Tears
ER Icon Tool vision of grace Vision of Grace
ER Equipment Slot Icon Transparent Spell Spells
Heal - MENU Knowledge 06301 copy Heal
Beast Claw - MENU Knowledge 06402 copy Beast Claw


Though this beta origin is mostly available in the form of the release version of the Prophet, some equipment has been changed.

The weapons, shield, and seal are acquirable early on: The Club is dropped by Club-wielding Demi-Humans with a 2% drop rate (not to be confused with the Spiked Club-wielding Demi-Humans, which are similar), and can also be gained by starting with the Wretch Origin or by buying it for 600 Runes from the Nomadic Merchant (Western Limgrave). The Rickety Shield is dropped by any Shield-wielding Demi-Humans with a 2% drop rate or by starting as the Prophet Origin. The Clawmark Seal is gained by going to Bestial Sanctum and giving Gurranq, Beast Clergyman 1 Deathroot, most easily gained by killing the Tibia Mariner at Summonwater Village.

Ash of War: Holy Ground is gained by destroying the Chariots inside of Auriza Hero's Grave in Capital Outskirts.

For the Armor Set, the entire 3-piece Prohet Set can be bought from the Hermit Merchant (Capital Outskirts) at Hermit Merchant's Shack. However, the Closed Network Test's Prophet Robe uses the visuals of the Corhyn's Robe, which can only be gained when Brother Corhyn dies, either because he's killed or because his questline ends.

For the two spells, Heal gained by either starting as the Prophet Origin or by buying it from Brother Corhyn for 1,500 Runes, while Beast Claw is gained by giving 5 Deathroots to Gurranq at the Bestial Sanctum.

Note that the Clawmark Seal's scaling being split between Strength and Faith means it can only apply half it's Incantation Scaling towards Heal.

Suitable Origins[]

The Prophet Origin is the most suitable origin as it has suitable stats for the equipment and also starts with the shield, the armor set, and one of the spells needed.

The Confessor and Wretch Origins are also suitable, as the former has very similar stats to the Prophet even though it lacks the equipment while the latter starts with the Club and has close enough stats to what's required that it could be made into a fitting build.
