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I am Seluvis, preceptor in the sorcerous arts. I don't know what it is the mistress sees in a provincial Tarnished like you...- Preceptor Seluvis

Preceptor Seluvis is an NPC in Elden Ring.


A preceptor in the service of Ranni the Witch, the last princess of the Carian Royal Family.[1] Seluvis, who resides within a rise in the Three Sisters, openly expresses disdain towards the Tarnished[2] speaking to them with an air of superiority and hostility.

Seluvis was, in the past, acquainted with Gideon Ofnir, however they parted ways due to Dolores, a friend and critique of Gideon's.[3] He was also familiar with Sellen, a sorceress who owes him a favour for assisting her when she was expelled from the Academy of Raya Lucaria.[4]

Seluvis is a collector of "puppets"; living beings transformed into thralls through the administration of a special draught brewed using Starlight Shards.[5] The physical bodies of these puppets are stored in a hidden cellar in the Three Sisters.[6] Among his collection is the body of a sorceress wearing a Witch's Glintstone Crown, into which Sellen's Primal Glintstone can be inserted to provide her with a new body full of vigor.[7]

After becoming acquainted with the Tarnished, Seluvis asks them to give a potion to Nepheli Loux. If Nepheli drinks the potion, she will fall into a deep slumber and become a puppet, with her body residing in Seluvis' basement. Alternatively, if the Tarnished shows the potion to Gideon, he will dispose of it himself and suggest that the Tarnished tell Seluvis that they gave Nepheli the potion.[8] The potion can also be fed to the Dung Eater, resulting in him becoming a Dung Eater Puppet instead.

When the Tarnished confronts Seluvis about his collection of puppets, he offers to brew them their own puppet in exchange for Starlight Shards.[9] If they accept, Seluvis will later task them with retrieving an Amber Starlight, with which he brews an Amber Draught intended to turn Ranni into his puppet.[10] Ranni sees through this treachery, however, and bids the Tarnished leave, killing them if they do not.

Whether the Tarnished aids Seluvis in his betrayal or not, he can later be found dead in his tower, in the same kneeling position as his puppets.

Shop inventory[]

Image Item Name Runes Stock Notes
ER Icon Spell Carian Phalanx Carian Phalanx 12,000 1 -
ER Icon Spell Carian Retaliation Carian Retaliation 9,000 1 -
ER Icon Spell Glintstone Icecrag Glintstone Icecrag 7,500 1 -
ER Icon Ash Finger Maiden Therolina Puppet Finger Maiden Therolina Puppet 1,290 + Starlight Shards x2 1 -
ER Icon Ash Jarwight Puppet Jarwight Puppet 1,290 + Starlight Shards x3 1 -
ER Icon Ash Dolores the Sleeping Arrow Puppet Dolores the Sleeping Arrow Puppet 1,290 + Starlight Shards x5 1 After giving Seluvis's Potion to Nepheli Loux.
ER Icon Ash Dung Eater Puppet Dung Eater Puppet 1,290 + Starlight Shards x5 1 After giving Seluvis's Potion to Dung Eater.
ER Icon Spell Swift Glintstone Shard Swift Glintstone Shard 600 1 After giving Academy Scroll
ER Icon Spell Great Glintstone Shard Great Glintstone Shard 2,000 1 After giving Academy Scroll
ER Icon Spell Star Shower Star Shower 10,000 1 After giving Conspectus Scroll
ER Icon Spell Glintstone Cometshard Glintstone Cometshard 12,000 1 After giving Conspectus Scroll
ER Icon Spell Glintblade Phalanx Glintblade Phalanx 2,500 1 After giving Royal House Scroll
ER Icon Spell Carian Slicer Carian Slicer 1,500 1 After giving Royal House Scroll

Character Information[]


Right Hand Left Hand Armor Items Spells
- - Preceptor's Set - -

Quest Items[]

Image Item Name Requirements
ER Icon Key Item Seluvis's Potion Seluvis's Potion Given after accepting Seluvis's request.
ER Icon Key Item Seluvis's Introduction Seluvis's Introduction Given if asked about the way to Nokron.
ER Icon Key Item Amber Starlight Amber Starlight Obtained in Altus Plateau. Can be given to Seluvis to progress his questline.
Talisman magic scorpion charm Magic Scorpion Charm Given after handing over the Amber Starlight.
ER Icon Key Item Amber Draught Amber Draught Given after handing over the Amber Starlight and reloading the area.
ER Icon Key Item Seluvis's Bell Bearing Seluvis's Bell Bearing Obtained from Saluvis's corpse after giving Ranni the Fingerslayer Blade or attempting to give her the Amber Draught.
ER Icon Armor Preceptor's Long Gown Preceptor's Set Obtained from Saluvis's corpse after giving Ranni the Fingerslayer Blade or attempting to give her the Amber Draught.

Questline Progression[]

Pidia's questline becomes locked after giving Ranni the Fingerslayer Blade, regardless of any steps already completed.

  1. Follow Ranni the Witch's questline and join her service in Ranni's Rise. Speak to the projections of Blaidd, Iji, and Seluvis, and then speak to Ranni once again.
  2. Visit Seluvis's Rise, south of Ranni's Rise, and speak to Seluvis. Agree to his request to obtain Seluvis's Potion.
  3. Perform any one of the following to proceed with Seluvis's questline:
    1. Give Nepheli Loux the potion. In order to do this, you must have defeated the Omenkiller in the Village of the Albinaurics and Nepheli must be in the lower level of Roundtable Hold. You will obtain Nepheli Loux Puppet from Pidia, Carian Servant at the end of his questline.
    2. Give Dung Eater the potion. In order to do this, you must have obtained a Seedbed Curse, freed Dung Eater from his gaol, defeated his dark spirit in the Capital Outskirts, and made sure Dung Eater has returned to his gaol. You will be able to Dung Eater Puppet from Seluvis after this.
    3. Talk to Gideon Ofnir and give him the potion.
  4. Return to Seluvis and exhaust his dialogue, regardless of the option chosen in the previous step. His shop inventory will now be available.
  5. Travel to the ruins north-east of Ranni's Rise and pass through the illusory floor. Go down the steps into the cellar and interact with the message saying "Seluvis' puppet. Do not touch."
  6. Return to Seluvis and select the "About your chambers" dialogue option. You will now be able to buy puppets from Seluvis in return for Starlight Shards. Buy any one of these puppets to continue.
  7. Speak to Seluvis again and select the "About the scheme" dialogue option.
  8. Obtain the Amber Starlight from Altus Plateau. This can be found in a small grotto north-east of the Altus Highway Junction Site of Grace, north of the giant staircase that leads to the Tree Sentinel boss fight.
  9. Return to Seluvis and select the "Give Amber Starlight" dialogue option to obtain the Magic Scorpion Charm.
  10. Reload the area and speak to Seluvis to obtain the Amber Draught.
  11. You may attempt to give the Amber Draught to Ranni. Doing so will lock Ranni's questline, and it can only be resumed by seeking Absolution at the Church of Vows. Talking to her three times after trying to give her the draught will cause her to instantly kill you.
  12. Seluvis will now be dead. His Bell bearing and armour set can be looted from his body, which can also be interacted with to access the puppet shop. Pidia will also die at this stage.
  13. If Ranni is not given the Amber Draught, Seluvis will die in the same way after giving her the Fingerslayer Blade.


  • Seluvis and Pidia are both voices by Charles Dale, and Pidia's dialogue is found nested within Seluvis' dialogue in the game's files. Along with the pose Seluvis is found in at the end of his questline, being reminiscent of the puppets in his cellar, it is possible that Seluvis himself is a puppet of Pidia.


Show English Dialogue
Introduction (Ranni's Rise)
I see... You must be Ranni's new hireling. (Male variation)
I see... You must be Ranni's new girl. (Female variation)
Yes, yes, I've heard all about you.
I am Seluvis, preceptor in the sorcerous arts.
I don't know what it is the mistress sees in a provincial Tarnished like you,
but since we have the misfortune of serving the same Lady,
I ask that you kindly try not to drag us all down with you.
If talked to again
I reside...in another tower, close by.
Come and pay me a visit...
Should you wish to be of actual service to Mistress Ranni.
If it were up to me, I wouldn't waste my time on the likes of you.
But who am I to stand against the wishes of my Lady?
In Seluvis's Rise
Well, well. You took me at my word.
Did you not realise I was merely being polite? You provincials never cease to amaze...
Hmm, I suppose you're here now.
Perhaps I'll give you something to do.
I'd like you to find a woman called Nepheli, to administer a potion.
Even you can do that much, can't you?
"Don't accept"
I see...
What a wretched bunch you Tarnished are.
Do you understand? I've given you a very fine chance.
If you complete this simple task, I will graciously permit you to learn from me.
Even you wish to serve our Lady well, do you not?
Turn those little cogs upstairs, and return with the correct answer.
If talked to after refusing
Have you fumbled out the correct answer now?
Then you will undertake my task?
"Don't accept" (second time)
You are peerless in your dullardry.
Fine. I can feel my wits evaporating in your mere presence.
Don't bother wasting your breath on me again.
If talked to after refusing (second time)
I could have sworn I told you to trouble me no more...
Are you here to tender your sincere apology, and undertake my task?
"Accept the task"
Good, good.
Now I shall hand over the potion in question.
Find Nepheli, and ensure she drinks it.
I expect glad tidings. And soon.
"Accept the task" (after initially refusing)
Good, good.
As a man of abundant charity, I accept your apology.
Now I shall hand over the potion in question.
Find Nepheli, and ensure she drinks it.
I expect glad tidings. And soon.
If talked to after accepting the task
I've no time for idle chit chat.
The only thing I will hear from you is a report of your task's completion.
Are we understood? Then off you trot.
I have enough on my plate.
After giving the potion to Nepheli Liux, Dung Eater, or Gideon Ofnir
Ahh, so you made Nepheli drink the potion?
Well done. You are a touch more useful than I had thought. (Male variation)
Well done. You are a slight more useful than I had thought. (Female variation)
Very well. Then you shall have your gift.
Knowledge of the sorcerous arts, under the tutelage of the great Preceptor Seluvis.
I doubt much of it will lay within the grasp of a mere Tarnished, but...
If you put your mind to it, perhaps you won't embarrass our Lady.
If talked to again
You wish to begin right this moment?
Well, your impatience, though boorish, is understandable. Let's have at it.
If talked to after purchasing a sorcery
Begging for another lesson so soon?
There remains much to be done. Make it quick.
If talked to after purchasing all sorceries
Come now, the pretence of comprehension becomes you not.
Bend over backwards any further and you're apt to break.
"About Nepheli" (if potion given to Dung Eater or Gideon Ofnir)
So, you had Nepheli drink the potion? Truly?
Hmm. Then perhaps something was amiss with it.
It's concocted from the finest ingredients. But perhaps I should review the recipe.
I may have expected too much of her, to begin with.
"Ask about Nokron"
Well, well. You're asking me about that, are you?
The task was left to you and the mongrel, was it not?
Not only are you incompetent, but shameless to boot.
Well...there's no helping it.
Now's as good a time as any. I'll let you in on it.
There's a glintstone sorcerer by the name of Sellen in Limgrave.
She owes me for the help I gave her when she was expelled from the academy.
I asked her to look into the matter some time ago.
I'll write you a letter of introduction. Go ask her.
"Hand over a scroll"
Hmm. Is that a scroll?
I won't bother to ask where you pilfered it, but...
You're correct to assume I'm one of the few who can decipher it.
So, I'm perfectly happy to take it off your hands.
That said, don't you dare get your hopes up.
More often than not, new knowledge is merely an opportunity to reflect…
…upon the mediocrity of one's intellect.
"About your chambers"
You break into a man's private chambers, rooting about as you please?
Your oafishness knows no bounds.
Fine and well.
You tricked Nepheli, and had her drink the potion.
I believe that makes you my accomplice.
You yearn for a puppet of your own, hmm?
Well, normally one of your stature would never be allowed.
But perhaps I can make a very special exception.
Now, choose.
Well, this is a surprise.
But aren't we forgetting something?
The tipple you fooled Nepheli into drinking, yes, my little draught.
You are already my accomplice.
Are you ready to change your mind, now?
It's no sin, pining for a puppet to cherish.
Ah, I knew you'd see things my way.
You knew you were already my accomplice, and as such...
You wanted one for yourself, hmm? A puppet, to cherish.
Oh I can see right through you. That's just the kind of man you are. (Male variation)
Oh I can see right through you. That's just the kind of woman you are. (Female variation)
Well, it's been some time since a pupil of mine last walked this road.
To mark the occasion, I shall grant you the puppet you so desire.
Now, choose.
After purchasing a puppet
How's the puppet I gave you?
A thing of exquisite craft, is it not?
After purchasing all puppets
You're proving to be quite the puppeteer.
I've not had an apprentice for…a very long time indeed.
"I want a new puppet"
What's that? You want another puppet?
Quite the keen paramour, aren't we. (Male variation)
Well, aren't you a woman of many passions. (Female variation)
But, I'm afraid each and every one is like a child to me.
I can hardly just give them away.
Oh dear, what's to be done?
Why don't you...fetch me some starlight shards?
If you can manage it, I'll gladly prepare a new puppet for you.
The soul of every puppet has its own ambience. You'll soon come to know, once you possess a few.
And once each's predilections are known to you, the better you'll be able to love them.
Oh yes, you have much to look forward to, further down this road.
"About your scheme"
Perhaps, you'd be interested in a little scheme of mine?
It will produce the finest of puppets.
Which I aspire to cherish with these very hands.
A ploy to fool even Lady Ranni... How does that sound?
I'm not interested"
Very good.
A wise choice, indeed.
You passed my little test with flying colours.
I was merely gauging your loyalty to Lady Ranni.
Well done, I'm very proud of you.
Let's both do our utmost in service of our Lady.
If talked to again after refusing
Ah ha. Might you be interested after all?
In a fine scheme to sport with Lady Ranni?
"I'm not interested" (second time)
Alright, enough of these games.
Your test is well and truly over.
Wag your tail for master all you like, but your loyalty is merely blind.
I fear your wretched provinciality is apt to burst. You're oozing at the seams.
"I'm interested"
Ahh, I knew I had you pegged. (Male variation)
Heh. I knew I had you pegged. (Female variation)
You're just like me.
Then I'd like you to procure something.
A rather unique starlight shard that glistens with amber.
With that, my special draught will gleam with nectar-sweetness.
And even a demigod would be slave to its charms...
If talked to again
Procure it for me.
The rather unique starlight shard that glistens with amber.
With that, my special draught will gleam with nectar-sweetness.
And even a demigod would be slave to its charms...
"Give Amber Starlight"
Well, well, you managed to lay your hands on it!
The blessed day is finally upon us...
Goodness gracious, the way it glistens...utterly enchanting.
To think, this was once a demigod's very fate...
My oh my oh my...
If talked to again
Ah, are you still here?
Oh yes, I should give you your reward.
Please, it's all yours. Splendid work. Just marvellous.
Now, just you wait. The merriment is soon to begin.
The scheme I promised is to be revealed very shortly...
If talked to again
You'll be flabbergasted, I can assure you.
The scheme I promised is to be revealed very shortly...
After giving Amber Starlight and reloading the area
Good, I've been waiting for you.
It's finally complete. The perfection of my draught, gleaming nectar-sweet.
Give it to Ranni and ensure she drinks it.
The dead-eyed doll lets down her guard in your presence, rather remarkably.
Though she might dip her hands in the dirt, and feign that icy persona…she's a frail, gentle girl at heart.
Which is why you're the only one for the job.
Now do it. Make Ranni drink my draught.
"About the Draught"
You...understand, don't you?
That once you have Ranni drink my draught, my scheme will come to fruition.
And we, well, we'll be in a position to claim the very finest puppet ever crafted.
Just imagine...the pure elation...
If talked to again
Come now, don't make me wait.
I can barely contain myself as it is...
If attacked
Enough of that, now.
Have you forgotten that we both serve the same Lady?
If attacked until he disappears
You incorrigible lout.
Don't you dare waltz back here ever again.

Show Japanese Dialogue
Introduction (Ranni's Rise)
…君がラニの推薦かね (Male variation)
…君がラニの推薦かね (Female variation)
If talked to again
In Seluvis's Rise
"Don't accept"
If talked to after refusing
"Don't accept" (second time)
If talked to after refusing (second time)
"Accept the task"
"Accept the task" (after initially refusing)
If talked to after accepting the task
After giving the potion to Nepheli Liux, Dung Eater, or Gideon Ofnir
よくやってくれたな。存外、役に立つようだ (Male variation)
よくやってくれたな。存外、役に立つ女のようだ (Female variation)
If talked to again
If talked to after purchasing a sorcery
If talked to after purchasing all sorceries
"About Nepheli" (if potion given to Dung Eater or Gideon Ofnir)
"Ask about Nokron"
"Hand over a scroll"
"About your chambers"
分かっているとも。君はそういう男だ (Male variation)
分かっているとも。君はそういう女だ (Female variation)
After purchasing a puppet
After purchasing all puppets
"I want a new puppet"
"About your scheme"
I'm not interested"
If talked to again after refusing
"I'm not interested" (second time)
"I'm interested"
…ああ、やはり君はそうだったか (Male variation)
…ああ、やはり君はそういう女だ (Female variation)
If talked to again
"Give Amber Starlight"
If talked to again
If talked to again
After giving Amber Starlight and reloading the area
"About the Draught"
If talked to again
If attacked
If attacked until he disappears



  1. Ranni the Witch: ""Ah, and there wilt thou find Iji, my war counselor, and Seluvis, preceptor in the sorcerous arts, also."
  2. Preceptor Seluvis: "I don't know what it is the mistress sees in a provincial Tarnished like you, but since we have the misfortune of serving the same Lady, I ask that you kindly try not to drag us all down with you."
  3. Dolores the Sleeping Arrow Puppet
  4. Preceptor Seluvis: "There's a glintstone sorcerer by the name of Sellen in Limgrave. She owes me for the help I gave her when she was expelled from the academy."
  5. Starlight Shards
  6. Note: The Preceptor's Secret
  7. Sorceress Sellen: "Thank you. You've helped me fill a new body, once again. And it's truly a gem. Young and full of vigor, a snug fit for my Primal Glintstone."
  8. Sir Gideon Ofnir, the All-Knowing: "Good. I'll dispose of the potion myself. You go and see Seluvis, but don't give anything away. Just tell him that you tricked your mark into drinking the potion as planned."
  9. Preceptor Seluvis: "Why don't you...fetch me some starlight shards? If you can manage it, I'll gladly prepare a new puppet for you."
  10. Preceptor Seluvis: "You...understand, don't you? That once you have Ranni drink my draught, my scheme will come to fruition. And we, well, we'll be in a position to claim the very finest puppet ever crafted. Just imagine...the pure elation..."