Elden Ring Wiki
Elden Ring Wiki

Perfumer's Bolt are a type of bolt in Elden Ring.


Bolt created with perfumer techniques. Used by nobles' guards and the like.

The point of impact explodes with sparks, dealing fire damage.

調香師の技により作られたボルト 貴人の護衛などに用いられる

当たった場所に、火花の爆発を生じ 炎属性のダメージを与える

Bolt created with perfumer techniques. Used by nobles' guards and the like.

The point of impact explodes with sparks, dealing fire damage.


  • Random Drop:
    • Perfumers
    • Noble Page (5x, 10% chance for regular Page variant and 25% chance for High Page variant)
      • The earliest available farm is two regular Pages inside of Tombsward Ruins while the generally most convenient farm is of the single High Page found down the second set of stairs on the path from West Capital Rampart Site of Grace to the Erdtree Sanctuary Site of Grace in Leyndell, Royal Capital (note that this enemy doesn't exist in Leyndell, Ashen Capital).

