Elden Ring Wiki

Old Lord's Talisman is a talisman in Elden Ring.

Increases the duration of spells by 30%.


A legendary talisman depicting the ancient king whose seat lies at the heart of the storm beyond time. Extends the duration of sorceries and incantations.

It is said that the ancient royal city of Farum Azula has been slowly crumbling since time immemorial.

A legendary talisman depicting the ancient king whose seat lies at the heart of the storm beyond time.

Extends the duration of sorceries and incantations.

It is said that the ancient royal city of Farum Azula has been slowly crumbling since time immemorial.


  • Obtained from a chest in Crumbling Farum Azula, guarded by an invasion by Recusant Bernahl and three Beastmen. From Beside the Great Bridge, climb up to the bridge, and head north, down some stairs and eventually a ladder, to reach a long walkway, where the invasion occurs. The chest is in the tower at the end of this walkway.