Night Comet is a spell in Elden Ring. A powerful variant of Glintstone Cometshard; in PvE enemies can't see the shots so highly evasive enemies like wolves can be accurately hit by it. This is extremely useful against a VAST number of enemies and bosses.
On its own it has a worse raw DPS rate and damage-to-cost ratio compared to Glintstone Cometshard, however equipping a Staff of Loss will multiply its damage by 25%, increasing its DPS above that of the Glinstone Cometshard (it will still have a worse damage-to-cost ratio, so if you are going against an enemy that does not dodge it is more economical to use Glinstone Cometshard). Note, the Staff of Loss does not need to be the staff that this spell is fired from to get the benefit, it just has to be visibly held by the character (which is good given the Staff of Loss is quite poor with other sorceries) so have that staff in your offhand slot.
One of the night sorceries of Sellia, Town of Sorcery.
Fires a semi-invisible magic comet. This sorcery can be cast repeatedly and while in motion. Charging enhances potency.
The Sellian sorcerers were assassins, and it is said that they often hunted their fellows.
Loot: Caelid
- Acquired from a treasure chest blocked by a magic barrier in the middle of Sellia, Town of Sorcery.
To dispel the barrier, light this specific barrier, light the brazier in the southwestern tower of the town.