Heresy is not native to the world; it is but a contrivance. All things can be conjoined. - Miriel, Pastor of Vows
Miriel, Pastor of Vows is an NPC in Elden Ring.
Miriel, Pastor of Vows is the steward of the Church of Vows in eastern Liurnia of the Lakes. A gigantic tortoise wearing a large white mitre, Miriel is a gentle soul who will happily assist The Tarnished on their journey.
Well-versed in both sorceries and incantations, Miriel can be given scrolls as well as prayerbooks, and will readily teach new spells to the player for an appropriate fee.
Miriel also serves as an excellent source of lore on Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon, and her former husband, Radagon of the Golden Order. Exhausting Miriel's dialogue can direct the player toward secrets that advance multiple questlines.
Shop Inventory[]
Character Information[]
Basic Info[]
Location | HP | Runes | Drops |
Church of Vows | Insignificant | - | Miriel's Bell Bearing
Turtle Neck Meat x2 |
- Miriel is the most reliable cleric NPC for prayerbooks, since he never moves away from the church, accepts all types of books and only becomes unavailable once during the Bell Bearing Hunter invasion.
English Dialogue |
Introduction |
You're Tarnished, aren't you? |
I welcome you, to the Church of Vows. |
I am Miriel, steward of this sacred chamber. |
My apologies, for the unseemly state of affairs. |
Do you know the origin of this place? |
How it came to be known as the Church of Vows? |
I do not |
Well, that is a shame. But who can blame you? |
The Shattering has caused us - all of us - to lose sight of something very dear. |
It is here, at the Church of Vows, that the great houses of the Erdtree and the Moon were joined. |
By the matrimonial bond between red-haired Radagon and Rennala of the Full Moon. |
And so, our church holds in view the monuments of both houses. |
The Erdtree of the Capital, and the Academy of Raya Lucaria. |
Talk to Miriel (After listening to "I do not") |
Oh, was there something you needed? |
You are free to show yourself around. |
I would serve as your guide, only my legs aren't what they used to be... |
If you find anything of use, you are free to take it with you. |
Unless perhaps you are in search of instruction? |
In which case, I will share all that I know. |
Whether it be sorcery or incantations, learning should not fetter you to one side or the other. |
This is, after all, a church celebrating the union of two such opposed practitioners. |
Show Celestial Dew |
Do you possess any celestial dew? |
Then I would like to share my knowledge with you. |
Concerning the miracle of this Church of Vows. |
Radagon once cleansed himself with celestial dew, |
repented his transgressions, and swore his love to Rennala. |
The Order of the Erdtree and the fate of the moon were conjoined, and all the wounds of war were forgotten. |
This miracle blesses the church to this day. |
And so, you need only follow Radagon's example, |
to restore any bond, however strained or severed, to its rightful state of harmony. |
Show Celestial Dew (cont'd) |
To experience the miracle, kneel in the basin in the back, and cleanse yourself with celestial dew. |
Absolution will be yours. Any bond, no matter how strained, or even severed, will be put to rights. |
Talk (In talk menu after hearing "Talk to Miriel") |
My faith does not waver. |
The miracle rooted in these grounds will, once again, mend the world. |
And this time, its bounty will not be squandered. |
If you would be Elden Lord, Tarnished, |
I hope that you, too, will share my faith. |
About Radagon |
You wish to hear more of Lord Radagon? |
Lord Radagon was a great champion, possessed of flowing red locks. |
He came to these lands at the head of a great golden host, when he met Lady Rennala in battle. |
He soon repented his territorial transgressions though, and became husband to the Carian Queen. |
However, when Godfrey, first Elden Lord, was hounded from the Lands Between, |
Radagon left Rennala to return to the Erdtree Capital, becoming Queen Marika's second husband and King Consort. |
Taking the title... of second Elden Lord. |
The mystery endures, to this day... |
As to why Lord Radagon would cast Lady Rennala aside... |
And moreover... why a mere champion would be chosen for the seat of Elden Lord... |
About Radagon (cont'd) |
You know, it's said that Lord Radagon harboured a secret... |
A famed sculptor of the Erdtree Capital was once summoned to render Lord Radagon's likeness in giant statue. |
When he glimpsed the skeleton in Radagon's closet. |
And as such, it's said the great statue harbours his secret too. |
About Rennala (After hearing "About Radagon") |
You wish to know more of Lady Rennala? |
She is Queen, head of the Carian royal family, and governor of the Academy of Raya Lucaria. |
The great and beautiful Full Moon Witch. |
Sadly, her heart was broken when Lord Radagon left her. |
And then, when the academy rebelled against the royals, she was locked away in the grand library. |
About Rennala (cont'd) |
In the end, Lady Rennala was left alone, cradling the amber egg Lord Radagon bequeathed her. |
Now she devotes herself to it through forbidden rite; |
the grim art of reincarnation. |
You would do well to remember... |
Severing a vow, strongest of bonds, has consequences ever more dire. |
Talk after conducting Absolution |
Ah, I see you have undergone absolution, the miracle that blossoms from these grounds. |
Good. As such, the bond you may have strained or severed... |
Has been restored, to its rightful state of harmony. |
Be mindful, not to take for granted... |
the serenity restored by this miracle. |
And take care. Never to break a bond again. |
Handing over a prayerbook or scroll |
Oh, what have we here? |
Very well, let us both learn together. |
Heresy is not native to the world; it is but a contrivance. |
All things can be conjoined. |
After being attacked |
Mngh! Stop it, please. |
My flesh is akin to stone. |
I cannot be wounded. I cannot die. |
But nor will I cause any harm unto you. |
Cease your futile efforts. |
Well, aren't we determined. |
Talk after attacking Miriel |
Are you quite finished? |
Take this opportunity to learn to master your emotions. |
Worry not, I take no offense. But others are not always so forgiving. |
Some take to anger, others to sorrow... Bonds are fragile things, wont to break under strain. |
And once they're broken, everything is lost, with naught to gain. |
Talk after attacking Miriel (Before listening to "Introduction" and then attacking Miriel) |
Are you quite finished? |
I suppose my ample frame must have given you quite the fright. |
Allow me to introduce myself. Miriel, steward of this sacred chamber. |
My apologies, for the unseemly state of affairs. |
Do you know the origin of this place? |
How it came to be known as the Church of Vows? |
Japanese Dialogue |
Introduction |
…御仁、褪せ人の方ですかな? |
結びの教会に、よくぞ参られました |
私はミリエル。この教会をお預かりしている者です |
お恥ずかしいことに、このように荒れ果てておりますが… |
ときに、御仁はご存じでしたかな? |
この結びの教会に、どのような由来があるものかを |
I do not |
ああ、そうでしたか。それも仕方のないことです |
破砕戦争が起こってから、人は皆、大事なことは忘れてしまいました |
この結びの教会は、かつて黄金樹と月、二つの王家が和睦を結び |
赤い髪のラダゴン様と、満月のレナラ様が、契りを結んだ場所なのです |
だから今もこの教会は、共に臨んでいるのですよ |
王都の黄金樹と、レアルカリアの学院を |
Talk to Miriel (After listening to "I do not") |
ああ、それで、御仁はどんな御用でしたかな? |
見学であれば、どこでもご自由にご覧下さい |
私はもう足が悪く、ご案内はできませんが… |
もし必要なものがあれば、お持ちいただいても構いません |
それとも、学びを探しておいですかな? |
であれば、私の知る限りを、御仁にお伝えしましょう |
魔術であれ、祈祷であれ、学びに差などありません |
ここは、両者の契った場所なのですから |
Show Celestial Dew |
…御仁、星の雫をお持ちなのですかな? |
であれば、お伝えしておいた方がよいでしょう |
この結びの教会に宿る、奇跡について |
かつてラダゴン様は、星の雫で自らを清め |
侵略の戦いを悔い、レナラ様への愛を誓いました |
黄金樹の律と月の運命が結ばれたとき、争いの傷は、すべて清算されたのです |
それ以来、その奇跡はこの場所に宿っています |
御仁が、ラダゴン様と同じようになされるのなら |
傷つき、壊れた人間関係は、あるべき穏やかな姿へと帰るでしょう |
Show Celestial Dew (cont'd) |
…奇跡を望むのなら、奥の水盆で跪き、星の雫で自らを清めなさい |
それは贖罪。傷つき、壊れた人間関係を、あるべき穏やかな姿へと帰すでしょう |
Talk (In talk menu after hearing "Talk to Miriel") |
…私は信じているのです |
この地に宿る奇跡が、またいつか、世界を結ぶのだと |
そしてそれは、今度こそ、決して反故にはされぬのだと |
褪せ人の御仁、もしエルデの王にならんとするなら |
そういう王に、なって下されよ |
About Radagon |
…ラダゴン様、でございますか? |
ラダゴン様は、赤い髪をなびかせた、英雄でございました |
黄金樹の軍勢を率いてこの地を訪れ、しかし戦いの中でレナラ様と出会い |
侵略の戦いを悔い、カーリアの女王たる彼女の伴侶となりました |
…しかし、最初のエルデの王、ゴッドフレイが狭間を追放されたとき |
彼はレナラ様を捨て、黄金樹の王都に戻り、女王マリカの王配、二番目の夫となり |
…二人目の、エルデの王となったのです |
そして、誰も知ってはいないのですよ |
ラダゴン様が、なぜレナラ様を捨てたのか |
いえそもそも、一介の英雄にすぎなかった彼が、なぜエルデの王として選ばれたのか |
About Radagon (cont'd) |
…ただ、ラダゴン様には…、秘密があったと聞いたことがあります |
黄金樹の王都の、ある高名な彫刻家が、ラダゴン様の大彫像を作るために召し出され |
…秘密を垣間見たのだそうです |
そして、大彫像にその秘密を隠したのだと |
About Rennala (After hearing "About Radagon") |
…レナラ様、でございますか? |
レナラ様は、カーリア王家の女王。そしてレアルカリアの学院の統治者 |
美しくも偉大なる、満月の魔術師です |
しかし、夫たるラダゴン様に捨てられた後、心を失くしてしまわれ |
学院が王家に反旗を翻したとき、その大書庫の虜囚となったのです |
About Rennala (cont'd) |
…そしてレナラ様は、ラダゴン様の贈られた琥珀のタマゴに縋り |
許されぬ術に耽っているのです |
…おぞましい、産まれ直しの秘術に |
…御仁、覚えておいてくだされ |
結びは、それが反故にされたとき、より惨たらしく壊れるのです |
Talk after conducting Absolution |
…御仁、この地に宿る奇跡、贖罪をなされたのですな |
ええこれで、貴方が傷つけ、壊れた人間関係は |
あるべき穏やかな姿に帰っているでしょう |
…大事にして下されよ |
奇跡のもたらした、穏やかさを |
そしてもう二度と、それを壊さぬように |
Handing over a prayerbook or scroll |
…ほう、これはこれは |
宜しいですよ。共に学ぶことにしましょう |
…この世界に、本来異端などないのです |
すべては、結ばれることができるのですよ |
After being attacked |
むっ |
お止めなされ、御仁 |
私はもう、あらかた石のようなもの |
傷つくことも、死ぬこともなく |
また、御仁を害することもない |
無駄なことはお止めなされ |
…飽きぬお方ですな、御仁は |
Talk after attacking Miriel |
…御仁、満足されましたかな |
これを機に、激情を御すことを覚えてください |
私はいいのです。ですが、他の方に同じようなことをすれば |
ある者は怒り、ある者は悲しみ…、人間関係は、傷つき壊れてしまうでしょう |
それは、何より御仁にとって、何の益にもならぬことです |
Talk after attacking Miriel (Before listening to "Introduction" and then attacking Miriel) |
…御仁、満足されましたかな |
この大きな体で、驚かせてしまったでしょうか |
改めまして、私はミリエル。この教会をお預かりしている者です |
お恥ずかしいことに、このように荒れ果てておりますが… |
ときに、御仁はご存じでしたかな? |
この結びの教会に、どのような由来があるものかを |