Miniature Ranni is a key item in Elden Ring. And plays a part in Ranni's questline. This item's icon, description and use will change as the questline progresses.
Lively Miniature[]
Acquisition and use[]
Found in a coffin on the northernmost, upper level of the Ainsel River once Ranni has been given the Fingerslayer Blade.
Can be talked to at any Site of Grace in the Ainsel River Main as well as the Ranni's Chamber Site of Grace in Ranni's Rise.
After the player tries to talk to the irresponsive doll three times, Ranni will stop playing dead and scold the player for compromising her location and order them to eliminate the Baleful Shadow stalking her (who will now invade by the sluice gate just before the Lake of Rot). On the way there she can also reminisce about her past and explain her goals and motivations to the player.
Lifeless Miniature[]
Acquisition and use[]
Replaces the lively miniature after defeating the Baleful Shadow by the sluice gate just before the Lake of Rot in Ainsel River.
Serves no practical use and is only a mere souvenir of your short journey together.