Elden Ring Wiki
Elden Ring Wiki
Disambig This article is about Morgott's alter ego. For his page, see Morgott, the Omen King.

"Foul Tarnished, In search of the Elden Ring. Emboldened by the flame of ambition. Someone must extinguish thy flame. Let it be Margit the Fell!"- Margit

Margit the Fell Omen is a boss in Elden Ring.


Margit is an Omen who gained notoriety during The Shattering, in which he slaughtered countless champions who harbored ambitions for Lordship,[1] stacking high their corpses during the Second Defense of Leyndell.[2]

He is encountered by the Tarnished at the gates of Stormveil Castle, where he makes clear his disdain towards the Tarnished, and attempts to put an end to their quest for Lordship. Although he is defeated, Margit's voice is heard as he disappears.

Later, he appears once more outside Leyndell, Royal Capital, initially in the guise of a Commoner. After being defeated by the Tarnished once more, he vanishes, leaving the corpse of the commoner behind.

After the Tarnished has made their way through Leyndell and reached the Elden Throne, Margit stands between them and the Erdtree. He repudiates the other Demigods, calling them all traitors, before revealing himself to be Morgott, the Omen King, a Demigod of the Golden Lineage,[3] who took up the responsibility of protecting the Erdtree, despite receiving no love in return.[4] He fights the Tarnished once more and, upon his defeat, he warns them that the Erdtree will reject them, as it did him.[5]


As the Tarnished approaches the gates of Stormveil Castle, Margit will materialize on a nearby tower and jump down the courtyard to confront his opponent. This encounter will not take place if Morgott, the Omen King is defeated beforehand.

As the Tarnished treks through the Capital Outskirts, Margit will possess the body of a nearby Commoner to once again hunt down his enemy. This encounter does not count as a boss fight, and it is possible to run away when he appears.

Boss Fight[]

Sorcerer Rogier is available as a summon for this fight.


Moveset List  
Upward Slash and Overhead Strike Phase 1 & 2
Performs a vertical rising slash and follows up with a slow one-handed overhead strike.

Either dodge through the first attack to get behind him or backwards and run to the right

to safely evade the strong tracking of the strike.

Double Toss Combo Phase 1 & 2
Throws a holy Erdsteel Dagger, then another, ending with a jumping stab.

In Phase 2, the final thrust is replaced with a jumping holy Giant-Crusher attack.

Used to quickly close the gap between the player and Margit.

Depending on how distant the player is, he may skip the dagger toss portion of the attack.

Run sideways to avoid the daggers and then dodge through and underneath him.

Single Toss Combo Phase 1 & 2
Throws a holy Erdsteel Dagger, then executes a leaping horizontal slash left to right,

ending with a ground stab.

Quicker variant of the aforementioned gap closer; run sideways for the dagger, dodge

through the slash and run to the right to counter the tracking of the thrust.

Charged Overhead Strike Phase 1 & 2
Charges up a slow two-handed overhead strike; if the player attempts to run away,

turns the move into a running double diagonal slash.

Run to the right to escape the tracking of the strike.

Double Slash Combo Phase 1 & 2
Swings horizontally right to left, then back left to right and concludes with a ground stab.

Dodge through the first attack, then backwards away from the second, but just far enough

to still bait out the final thrust, which it's avoided by running to the right.

Retreating Slash Phase 1 & 2
Swings horizontally right to left while leaping backwards.

Dodge backwards.

Tail Sweep Phase 1 & 2
Swings his tail in a 180° angle. Only uses this move, when the player is behind him.

While this attack can be jumped over with the correct timing, it's easier to either dodge

through it or away from it.

Triple Combo Phase 1 & 2
Slashes diagonally left to right from over his shoulder, then performs a rising vertical

slash with his offhand holy dagger and ends with a slow one-handed overhead strike.

Dodge away from the first attack, then to the right of the second and keep running to

the right to avoid the strike.

Double Dagger Slash Phase 1 & 2
Swings his holy dagger twice.

Dodge past him to the right or dodge left.

Crossed Slash Phase 1 & 2
Performs a cross-shaped slash with both his weapon and his holy Carian Knight Sword.

Only used upon guardbreaking the player.

Hammer Sweep and Jump Attack Phase 1 & 2
Summons his holy hammer and sweep right to left, then leaps into a jumping strike.

Used when his health reaches 60% or below to signal the start of Phase 2.

Dodge away from the first attack and through the second, but beware of the shockwave

caused by the impact of the jump attack on the ground.

Cane and Hammer Slash Combo Phase 2
Summons his holy hammer and swings his weapon right to left, following it immediately

after with the hammer; if the player runs away, throws a leaping horizontal slash left to

right and ends with a ground stab.

Dodge or run backwards to bait the leaping slash, then dodge through it and run to the

right to counter the final thrust.

Quintuple Spin Phase 2
With his hand over his right shoulder, summons his holy swords and quickly launches in

an open-arm spinning slash, swinging up to five times.

Dodge away as soon as the sword appears and keep running backwards, ready to dodge

away through the last swing.

Sword Combo and Stab Phase 2
Rapidly summons his holy sword and stabs, following up with a sword slash left to right,

and concludes with a ground stab; may replace the first stab with a quick sword swing

from right to left.

Dodge away as soon as the sword appears and keep walking backwards, then run to the

right against the final thrust.

Slash and Hammer Strike Phase 2
Slashes diagonally left to right from over his shoulder, then performs a slow charged

one-handed only hammer overhead strike.

Dodge the first attack to the left and the second to the right.

Phase 1[]

Margit is quick and relentless, his powerful combos and rapid follow-ups make it hard to find a window to punish him, but there are two types of attacks that leave him open amply: overhead strikes and ground stabs.

Since both can be easily evaded by running to the right, the key to victory is learning how to bait out these moves, which is generally done by dodging away from the first part of a combo, while remaining just in range for him to keep going through with it fully.

His jumping stab can also be exploited, as he always tells this move by tossing his holy dagger twice, while the player is far way: as he finishes throwing his weapons, walk towards him and dodge through the jump attack.

Without being particularly weak to anything, he still takes some additional damage from slashing and fire attacks, and he can also be poisoned and bled, which makes the Uchigatana a particularly favorable choice against this boss.

While standard light attacks won't impact him much, an aggressive playstyle made of jump attacks, charged attacks and Ash of War will see Margit repeatedly falling on his knees, leaving him open to a critical strike.

Margit's Shackle can be used during this phase to temporarily stun him, opening him to attacks. This will not work in phase 2.

Phase 2[]

As his health drops to 60% or below, he will enter Phase 2 always executing the same hammer sweep plus jumping strike.

Even with the addition of some new moves, the bait-and-punish strategy of Phase 1 is still applicable.

While the moves made with his holy weapons cannot be parried, the majority of his regular weapon attacks are susceptible to interruption.


Margit's arena is a narrow and long pathway with chasms on each side. While the boss himself cannot fall to his death, the player must constantly reposition himself to avoid having their back against the wall or the brink.

The area is also filled with obstacles and while the weapons scattered through out can be broken by dodging into them, the wooden barricades might just get in the way of a safety roll.

One must also not overestimate the length of the arena, as Margit's gap-closing attacks are fast and cover a long distance.


English Dialogue  
Intro cutscene
Foul Tarnished,
In search of the Elden Ring.
Emboldened by the flame of ambition.
Someone must extinguish thy flame.
Let it be Margit the Fell!
Phase 2 start
Well, thou art of passing skill.
Warrior blood must truly run in thy veins, Tarnished.
If player is killed
Put these foolish ambitions to rest.
I shall remember thee, Tarnished.
Smould'ring with thy meagre flame.
Cower in fear. Of the night.
The hands of the Fell Omen shall brook thee no quarter.
Encounter at Altus Plateau
I see thee, little Tarnished.
Smould'ring with that wretched flame of ambition.

Japanese Dialogue  
Intro cutscene
Phase 2 start
If player is killed
Encounter at Altus Plateau



See also[]


  1. Fell Omen Cloak
  2. Sword Monument: "The Second Defense of Leyndell The Fell Omen stacks high the corpses of heroes Yet the Erdtree remains unshaken"
  3. Morgott's Great Rune
  4. Remembrance of the Omen King
  5. Morgott, the Omen King: "Tarnished, thou'rt but a fool. The Erdtree wards off all who deign approach. We are...we are all forsaken. None may claim the title of Elden Lord. Thy deeds shall be met with failure, just as I."
