Elden Ring Wiki
Elden Ring Wiki
ER Main Menu Icon Map

Maps are a type of Key Item found in Elden Ring. They are found in fragmented pieces across the Lands Between, and each piece displays an artistic rendition of their local region's geography. Once a map fragment has been acquired, it will become a permanent addition to the player's inventory, staying even when transitioning into New Game Plus (NG+).

They are typically found near large, stone Guide Stele inscribed with glowing yellow text that fades once that tablet's map has been acquired. These tablets are typically found near roads and are even marked on the obscured map before the current region's map fragment has been acquired.

List of Maps[]

Map Locations[]

Item Location
ER Icon Map (Limgrave, West) Map: Limgrave, West By the crossroad in the middle of Waypoint Ruins.
ER Icon Map (Limgrave, East) Map: Limgrave, East By the road in the middle of Mistwood.
ER Icon Map (Weeping Peninsula) Map: Weeping Peninsula By the road south of the Castle Morne Rampart Site of Grace.
ER Icon Map (Liurnia, West) Map: Liurnia, West Found near the road south of Kingsrealm Ruins.
ER Icon Map (Liurnia, East) Map: Liurnia, East Found near the road in the middle of Laskyar Ruins.
ER Icon Map (Liurnia, North) Map: Liurnia, North Found near the Academy Gate Town Site of Grace.
ER Icon Map (Altus Plateau) Map: Altus Plateau Found near the road, north of the Altus Highway Junction Site of Grace.
ER Icon Map (Leyndell, Royal Capital) Map: Leyndell, Royal Capital Found near the Outer Wall Phantom Tree Site of Grace.
ER Icon Map (Mt. Gelmir) Map: Mt. Gelmir Found west of the Road of Iniquity Site of Grace, north of Volcano Manor.
ER Icon Map (Caelid) Map: Caelid Found near the road, east of the Cathedral of Dragon Communion.
ER Icon Map (Dragonbarrow) Map: Dragonbarrow Found near the road south of the Divine Tower of Caelid.
ER Icon Map (Mountaintops of the Giants, West) Map: Mountaintops of the Giants, West Found south of the Zamor Ruins Site of Grace.
ER Icon Map (Mountaintops of the Giants, East) Map: Mountaintops of the Giants, East Found near the Giant's Gravepost Site of Grace.
ER Icon Map (Consecrated Snowfield) Map: Consecrated Snowfield Found near the Inner Consecrated Snowfield Site of Grace.
ER Icon Map (Ainsel River) Map: Ainsel River Located on a corpse next to the Hermit Merchant of Ainsel River.
ER Icon Map (Lake of Rot) Map: Lake of Rot Located on the shore south of the Lake of Rot Shoreside Site of Grace.
ER Icon Map (Siofra River) Map: Siofra River Located on a corpse at the bottom of the stairs leading to the Hallowhorn Grounds.
ER Icon Map (Mohgwyn Palace) Map: Mohgwyn Palace Located on a corpse in the middle of the ruins next to the Dynasty Mausoleum Entrance Site of Grace.
ER Icon Map (Deeproot Depths) Map: Deeproot Depths Located in front of a stele east of the Nameless Eternal City Site of Grace.
ER Icon Map Abyss Map: Abyss Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree Found in front of a stele near the Abandoned Church in the Abyssal Woods.
ER Icon Map Gravesite Plain Map: Gravesite Plain Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree Found near the Scorched Ruins in the Gravesite Plain.
ER Icon Map Rauh Ruins Map: Rauh Ruins Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree Found near the Temple Town Ruins in the Rauh Ruins.
ER Icon Map Scadu Altus Map: Scadu Altus Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree Found in front of a stele near the Highroad Cross on the Scadu Altus.
ER Icon Map Southern Shore Map: Southern Shore Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree Found near the Cerulean Coast on the southern shore of the Gravesite Plain.

ER Custom Sub-Menu Icon Map Interactive Map


  • The complete map has sometimes had its art changed over the course of several patches.


Closed Network Test Datamine[]
