Elden Ring Wiki

Malenia's Armor (Altered) is an armor piece found in Elden Ring.


Armor made of unalloyed gold. Worn by Malenia, Blade of Miquella.

Malenia awaited Miquella at the foot of the husk.

"My brother will keep his promise. He possesses the wisdom, the allure, of a god - he is the most fearsome Empyrean of all."

無垢金で作られた胴鎧 ミケラの刃、マレニアの装備


兄さまが、約束を違えるはずがない 神の知恵、神の誘惑。ミケラこそ もっとも恐ろしい神人なのだから

Armor made of unalloyed gold. Worn by Malenia, Blade of Miquella.

Malenia awaited Miquella at the foot of the husk.

"My brother will keep his promise. He possesses the wisdom, the allure, of a god - he is the most fearsome Empyrean of all."


Can be bought unaltered from Finger Reader Enia at Roundtable Hold once having defeated Malenia, Blade of Miquella. Can be altered at a site of grace or by Boc.


  • The altered version has the exact same description as the normal version.

See Also[]
