Elden Ring Wiki

Lord of Blood's Robe is an armor piece found in Elden Ring.


Attire of Mohg, Lord of Blood, embroidered with an extravagant gold emblem on black cloth.

The dress of a Luminary, the reigning lord and hierarch of the coming dynasty of Mohgwyn. Or perhaps, of a raving lunatic.

黒布に、豪奢な金意匠が施された 血の君主、モーグの装束

来たるべき新王朝、モーグウィンの 王にして大祭司たる者の証 あるいは、その見果てぬ妄想の証

Attire of Mohg, Lord of Blood, embroidered with an extravagant gold emblem on black cloth.

The dress of a Luminary, the reigning lord and hierarch of the coming dynasty of Mohgwyn. Or perhaps, of a raving lunatic.


Can be bought from Finger Reader Enia at Roundtable Hold after defeating Mohg, Lord of Blood.


  • The altered version has the exact same description as the normal version.

See Also[]
