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Living Jar is an enemy in Elden Ring.


Sentient, animated jars found throughout the Lands Between. They are brought to life by human flesh and blood, and are considered a kindly folk[1], however they will protect themselves from perceived threats. They contain human innards within them, from which they inherit the dregs of those who came before.[2] Fragments of their bodies are sought after due to the magical power locked within, making them targets of poachers.[3]

An enclave of peaceful Living Jars reside in Jarburg, on the cliffs of Liurnia of the Lakes.

Variant Description[]

Small, childlike Living Jars, often found under the protection of Warrior Jars. They are often passive unless provoked.


Item Drop Rate Notes
Living Jar Shard 1% - 5% Little Jars found in Stormveil and Liurnia have a 1% chance.

Little Jars found in Mt. Gelmir, Altus, and Mountaintops have 5% chance.

Variant Description[]

Living Jars with distinct yellow lids. Their primary tactic is to rush at their enemies and then explode, killing themselves and dealing damage to friends and foes alike. They will also explode if they come into contact with fire.


Item Drop Rate Notes
Living Jar Shard 5% -

Variant Description[]

Larger Living Jars that contain the remnants of warriors[4]. They pass these warrior's innards from jar to jar, carrying their dreams of greatness with them.[5]


Item Drop Rate Notes
Living Jar Shard 100% -
Living Jar Shard 20% Has a 20% chance to drop a second Living Jar Shard
Raw Meat Dumpling 100% -


  • The Companion Jar talisman mentions that perhaps they were made to be better than their innards.
  • In Shadow of the Erdtree it is revealed that they used to be stuffed with undesirable people so that they were reborn into good people.[6][7][8] Shamans then perform their worship at gaols where they offer their prayers to the innards of the greatjars, such that they might be reborn one day into sainthood, or good people. This is the cycle of death and rebirth, taken into the hands of mortal men.[9]
  • In the Japanese text of the game, it is said that the people within the jars are put there to be reborn as "good people" / "righteous people" (善き人). It lacks the religious connotations of the word "saint" or "sainthood" used in the English version. This applies to the following texts:
      • "I swear—a living saint I'll surely be!" Stranded Souls -> 天に誓う。善き人になる
      • "Nigh-sainthood itself awaits you within." Stranded Souls -> そして、善き人になりなさい
      • "This is what becomes of the condemned, who get sliced up and stuffed into jars to become saints instead." Innard Meat -> 善き人になるために 切り刻まれ、大壺に詰め込まれた罪人どもの なれの果てである
      • "They offer their prayers to the innards of the greatjars, such that they might be reborn one day into sainthood." Greatjar -> その祈りは大壺の中身に捧げられる いつか、善き人として生まれ変わるように それは、人の手による輪廻である


  1. Companion Jar
  2. Alexander's Innards
  3. Living Jar Shard
  4. Alexander, Warrior Jar: "I was created to be a warrior vessel. Many great warriors reside within me, ever dreaming of becoming a great champion."
  5. Alexander's Innards
  6. Grotesque mask constructed from countless solidified caterpillars. A ritual implement of the greater potentates of Bonny Village. Used to ward off thoughts of impurity, doubt, temptation, and other wickednesses one is vulnerable to while absorbed in divine ritual. (Caterpillar Mask)
  7. For pity's sake, your place is in the jar. Nigh-sainthood itself awaits you within. For shamans like you, this is your lot. Life were you accorded for this alone. (Ghost, Bonny Village.)
  8. "Though the jars are brought to life by human flesh and blood, they are all rather kindly folk. Perhaps they were made to be better than their innards." Companion Jar
  9. Attire of the shamans who perform their worship at gaols. [...] They offer their prayers to the innards of the greatjars, such that they might be reborn one day into sainthood. This is the cycle of death and rebirth, taken into the hands of mortal men. (Greatjar)