Elden Ring Wiki

Law of Regression is an incantation spell in Elden Ring. It is one of the Golden Order Incantations.


Incantation of the Golden Order fundamentalists. One of the key fundamentals.

Heals all negative statuses, dispels special effects, and reveals mimicry in all its forms.

The fundamentalists describe the Golden Order through the powers of regression and causality. Regression is the pull of meaning; that all things yearn eternally to converge.




Incantation of the Golden Order fundamentalists. One of the key fundamentals.

Heals all negative statuses, dispels special effects, and reveals mimicry in all its forms.

The fundamentalists describe the Golden Order through the powers of regression and causality. Regression is the pull of meaning; that all things yearn eternally to converge.


Purchase: Roundtable Hold / Liurnia of the Lakes / Altus Plateau / Leyndell, Royal Capital / Mountaintops of the Giants


Removes the Status Effects, Buffs, and debuffs from the caster and allies and enemies within a radius of 15 meters and also dispels all active spells within that effect radius.


  • Costs 50 points of Stamina to cast.
  • The requirements of the Sacred Seal don't need to be met to cast this spell, making it usable with no Faith investment.
  • Surprisingly useful for crossing the Lake of Rot. While it's slower to cast than other spells and items, it's still somewhat useful for characters with high medium to high Intelligence but without the Faith needed for Flame, Cleanse Me or the materials for Preserving Boluses.
  • Be careful when using it near allies so it doesn't remove their beneficial effects.
  • Needed for Goldmask's quest: Reveals a secret referenced by Miriel when used while standing on top of the unknown artist's Wizened Finger message in front of the Radagon statue in Leyndell, Royal Capital, just outside of the Erdtree Sanctuary. Once you have revealed the secret message, you will be able to tell Goldmask about it to progress Brother Corhyn's quest.
Spoiler: secret message
Radagon is Marika.

See also[]
