I'm Latenna. An Albinauric, the same as Old Albus. My apologies for my coarse words earlier. I presumed the worst, seeing that you were another Tarnished, like that all-hearing brute. - Latenna
Latenna the Albinauric is an NPC in Elden Ring.
Latenna is an Albinauric woman and a deft archer. Latenna and her wolf companion Lobo began their journey in the lands of the Haligtree, a sanctuary for Albinaurics.[1] She journeyed to the far south, eventually coming to Liurnia of the Lakes.
Here, Latenna was accosted by the servants of Sir Gideon Ofnir, the All-Knowing,[2] a Tarnished wishing to gain access to the hidden lands of the Haligtree. Believing Latenna had a secret medallion that opened the way to the Haligtree,[3] Ofnir's servants attacked her and killed her wolf, leaving her crippled, but Latenna still refused to divulge the location of the medallion, feigning ignorance.
After the Tarnished receives a half of the secret medallion from the elderly Albinauric Albus, Latenna tells them the location of the other half,[4] and asks them to bring her along to the lands of the Haligtree, where she might fulfill her duty.[5] The Tarnished agrees, and Latenna volontarily becomes Spirit Ash,[6] so they might carry her with them.
In the Mountaintops of the Giants, Latenna alerts the Tarnished that the medallion is near when they approach Castle Sol.[7] With the second half retrieved, the path to the Haligtree is opened. She urges them to bring her to the liturgical town of Ordina.[8] Here, a towering young Albinauric known as Phillia slumbers.[9] Latenna grants her the birthing droplet, allowing her to create new life for all the Albinaurics.[10] She thanks the Tarnished for their aid, promising to fight alongside them until the bitter end, requesting that they lay her to rest by Lobo once the fighting is done.[11]
Character Information[]
Basic Info[]
Location | HP | Runes | Drops |
Liurnia of the Lakes (Slumbering Wolf's Shack) | 1103 | 2000 | Blue Silver Mail Set |
Quest Items[]
Image | Item Name | Requirements |
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Latenna the Albinauric (Spirit Ash) | Obtained after presenting Latenna with the Haligtree Secret Medallion (Right). |
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Somber Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone | Obtained after completing Latenna's questline. |
Questline Progression[]
- Liurnia of the Lakes (Slumbering Wolf's Shack)
- Latenna can be found at the Slumbering Wolf's Shack, accessible by clearing the Lakeside Crystal Cave. If you have the Haligtree Secret Medallion (Right), obtained from Old Albus in the Village of the Albinaurics, she will die and you will be able to pick up Latenna the Albinauric (Spirit Ashes).
- If you have already obtained Haligtree Secret Medallion (Left) from Castle Sol, Latenna will already be dead, and you can pick up her Spirit Ashes.
- Mountaintops of the Giants (Castle Sol)
- After defeating Commander Niall, continue past his arena and pick up the Haligtree Secret Medallion (Left).
- Consecrated Snowfields (Apostate Derelict)
- Travel to the Apostate Derelict in the northernmost part of the Consecrated Snowfields and approach the giant Albinauric woman to summon Latenna. Exhaust Latenna's dialogue to obtain a Somber Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone.
English Dialogue |
Introduction |
Foul Tarnished, what do you want? |
I told the all-hearing brute. |
That I possess no such medallion. |
Or have you come to take more from me? |
Was my other half not enough? |
"Show the secret medallion" |
Oh...do you speak true? |
So old Albus entrusted his medallion to you. |
... |
Then I've no choice. But to trust that this was his dying will. |
Let's try again. I'm Latenna. An Albinauric, the same as Old Albus. |
My apologies for my coarse words earlier. |
I presumed the worst, seeing that you were another Tarnished, like that all-hearing brute. |
If talked to again |
Mm, the medallion is better off in your hands, anyway. |
Would you consider doing me a great service? |
I must go back. |
There is something that I must do, even if I must say farewell to my wolf, Lobo. |
Will you show me the way? To the land of Miquella's Haligtree. |
If you accept, I would gladly apprise you. |
Of the whereabouts of the medallion's other half. |
"Hear her request" |
Thank you kindly. |
They say the other half of the medallion is beyond the forbidden lands north of the Erdtree. |
In Castle Sol, on the Mountaintops of the Giants, accessible by the Grand Lift of Rold. |
If talked to again |
Then I suppose it's time. |
Farewell, Lobo. My faithful wolf, my better half. |
I will go with the Tarnished. So that our journey will not have been in vain. |
Forgive me, Lobo. |
... |
"Refuse" |
Well... I understand. |
You must have your own duty to fulfill. |
But please, allow me to say my piece. |
Even if you cannot take me, old Albus wished I relay to you the following: |
The other half of the medallion is beyond the forbidden lands north of the Erdtree. |
In Castle Sol, on the Mountaintops of the Giants, accessible by the Grand Lift of Rold. |
Selecting "Hear her request" after refusing |
My thanks... |
You'll lead me then, to the land of Miquella's Haligtree. |
Farewell, Lobo. My faithful wolf, my better half. |
I will go with the Tarnished. So that our journey will not have been in vain. |
Forgive me, Lobo. |
After disappearing |
Call upon me when needed. |
And I will fight at your side. |
In the Mountaintops of the Giants |
Do you hear me? It is I, Latenna. |
We're almost there. Castle Sol lies just off to the north, |
where the other medallion is housed. It will grant passage to the land of the Haligtree. |
In the Consecrated Snowfield |
Do you hear me? It is I, Latenna. |
We have reached the land of Miquella's Haligtree, where Lobo and I began our travels. |
It's entirely thanks to you that I'm so close to home. |
These great snow-laden lands stretch far to the north. |
And beyond the ancient bowers, and the liturgical town of Ordina, lies the place to which I must return. |
After summoning Latenna at the Apostate Derelict |
Oh young yet towering sister of ours. |
Let the birthing droplet in. |
And create life. For us. For all the Albinaurics. |
If talked to after summoning |
Thank you. |
I've finally fulfilled my purpose. |
Our young yet towering sister will give us hope. |
Now that nothing is left unfinished, |
I will join you in battle to the bitter end. |
And when the fighting is done, |
then you may lay me to rest. Beside Lobo, my dear wolf. |
... |
If attacked |
Ngh! |
Stop, now. |
And I'll consider that a simple mishap. |
If turned hostile |
Are all you Tarnished the same? |
Was taking my other half not enough for you? |
If the player is killed |
There is no meaning in a fight, lest it serve a greater duty. |
Death |
Ohh...Phillia |
Take...the birthing...droplet... |
Japanese Dialogue |
Introduction |
…褪せ人よ、何のためにやってきた |
あの百耳の男に伝えたはずだ |
私の手に、割符などないとな |
それとも、まだ足りぬか |
我が半身を奪ってなお |
"Show the secret medallion" |
…そうだったのか |
アルバス老は、割符を貴方に託したのだな |
... |
…ならば、私も信じるとしよう。彼の遺志を |
改めて、私はラティナ。アルバス老と同じ、しろがね人だ |
先だっての礼を失した対応、詫びさせて欲しい |
貴方が褪せ人というだけで、百耳の男と同じだと、愚かにも決めつけてしまった |
If talked to again |
ああ、その割符は、貴方が持っているべきだ |
そして叶うなら、私の願いを聞いてもらえないだろうか |
…私は、帰らなければならない |
私の狼、ロボと別れてなお、果たすべき使命があるのだ |
だから、連れていってくれないか。ミケラ様の聖樹の地に |
もし、願いを聞いてくれるのならば、貴方に伝えよう |
もう一つの割符、その在処を |
"Hear her request" |
…ありがとう |
もう一つの割符は、黄金樹の北、禁域の先にあると聞いている |
ロルドの大昇降機を昇った先、巨人たちの山嶺にある、ソールの城に |
If talked to again |
…さて、ではそろそろか |
お別れだな、ロボ。私の狼、決して裏切らぬ半身よ |
私は、この褪せ人様と共に行く。我らの旅を、無駄にしないためにも |
だから許しておくれ、ロボよ |
... |
"Refuse" |
…そうか |
分かった。貴方にも、果たすべき使命があるのだから |
ひとつだけ、伝えさせてくれ |
我が願いが叶わぬとしても、それが、アルバス老の遺志だろう |
…もう一つの割符は、黄金樹の北、禁域の先にあると聞いている |
ロルドの大昇降機を昇った先、巨人たちの山嶺にある、ソールの城に |
Selecting "Hear her request" after refusing |
…ありがとう |
連れていってくれるのだな。ミケラ様の聖樹の地に |
お別れだな、ロボ。私の狼、決して裏切らぬ半身よ |
私は、この褪せ人様と共に行く。我らの旅を、無駄にしないためにも |
だから許しておくれ、ロボよ |
… |
After disappearing |
…いつでも、私を喚んでくれ |
貴方のために戦おう |
In the Mountaintops of the Giants |
…貴方、少しよいか? |
もう少しだ。ここより北に向かった先に、ソールの城がある |
聖樹の地に至る、もう一つの割符が、そこにあるはずだ |
In the Consecrated Snowfield |
…貴方、少しよいか? |
ここが、ミケラ様の聖樹の地。私とロボが、旅立った場所だ |
貴方のお陰で、ようやく、ここまで戻ることができた |
この雪の大地をずっと北へと進み |
幾つかの古代樹と、オルディナの典礼街を超えた先に |
私の、帰りたい場所があるのだ |
After summoning Latenna at the Apostate Derelict |
さあ、我らの大きな妹よ |
受け入れておくれ、最初の雫を |
そして命を為しておくれ。我らすべてのしろがねのために |
Note: In JP she calls the birthing droplet 最初の雫 - "Beginning Droplet" / "Droplet of Beginning" / "First Droplet" |
If talked to after summoning |
…ありがとう、貴方 |
ようやく、使命を果たすことができた |
我らの大きな妹は、きっと希望を為すだろう |
これでもう、悔いはない |
最後まで貴方と共に戦おう |
…そしてもし、戦いが終わったときは |
私を葬ってくれないか。我が狼、ロボの傍らに |
... |
If attacked |
くっ |
やめるんだ |
今ならまだ、間違いで済む |
If turned hostile |
褪せ人とは、皆同じなのか… |
我が半身を奪ってなお、足りぬと言うのか! |
If the player is killed |
…使命なき戦いに、意味はない |
Death |
…ああ、フィリア |
貴方に、最初の雫を… |