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Jolán, Swordhand of Night is a character in Shadow of the Erdtree.


Jolán and her sister Anna were born in a cold, dark gaol, where they were raised, deprived of light, to be Swordhands of Night. Thus were they cultivated to become the most terrifying masters of their blades, though the burden of the deed left their hearts frail and pliant.[1]

She looks after Count Ymir and his concerns, and refers to him as her only star.

Character Information[]

Basic Info[]

Location HP Runes Drops
Cathedral of Manus Metyr HP Runes Drops


Right Hand Left Hand Armor Items Spells
Cathedral of Manus Metyr
Weapon Right Weapon Left Armor Items Spells

Quest Items[]

Image Item Name Requirements
ER Icon Ash Swordhand of Night Jolán Ashes: Swordhand of Night Jolán Give Jolán an Iris of Grace
ER Icon Weapon Sword of Night Sword of Night Give Jolán an Iris of Occultation

Questline Progression[]

  1. Location a
    • Quest Step
  2. Location b
    • Quest Step
  3. Location c
    • Quest Step


  • Note a
  • Note b


English Dialogue  
Condition a
Dialogue a
Condition b
Dialogue b
Condition c
Dialogue c


Japanese Dialogue  
Full text, unsorted

Section 00 [1090100000] I've no interest in small talk. [1090100010] My only concerns are the concerns of Count Ymir. [1090100020] And you are not among them.

10902 Section 00 [1090200000] Only, there is one thing I will say. [1090200010] Count Ymir's kindness is a gift. Should you cross him, [1090200020] you will sorely regret it.

Section 10 [1090210000] Be gone. [1090210010] There is nothing more to say.

10903 Section 00 [1090300000] How did you... [1090300010] Did Count Ymir reward you with that? [1090300020] Hmm. [1090300030] Then I see you have gained his trust. [1090300040] And therefore, mine. [1090300050] I am Jolán. The Night is yours now to wield.

Section 05 [1090305000] Count Ymir spoke of you. [1090305010] That you had earned his trust. [1090305020] Hmm. [1090305030] Then you have earned mine, as well. [1090305040] I am Jolán. The Night is yours now to wield.

Section 10 [1090310000] Don't get the wrong idea. [1090310010] We are neither friends nor confidantes. [1090310020] I am merely honouring Count Ymir's wishes.

Section 20 [1090320000] Enough of you.

Section 50 [1090350000] Well, well, what is that... [1090350010] A reward from Count Ymir? [1090350020] Huh... [1090350030] If the Count has placed his trust in you, then so shall I. [1090350040] I am Jolán. The Night is yours now to wield.

Section 55 [1090355000] Ahh, who have we here...? [1090355010] Count Ymir spoke of you. [1090355020] That you had earned his trust. [1090355030] Hmm. [1090355040] Then you have earned mine, as well. [1090355050] I am Jolán. The Night is yours now to wield.

10904 Section 00 [1090400000] I told you once. [1090400010] I've no interest in companionship. [1090400020] But I must admit. [1090400030] Count Ymir did seem very pleased. [1090400040] Perhaps an exception is in order.

Section 50 [1090450000] Ahh, who have we here...? [1090450010] Count Ymir seemed very pleased. [1090450020] And for that, I express my gratitude. [1090450030] I am Jolán. Loyal to Count Ymir. [1090450040] The Night is yours now to wield.

10905 Section 00 [1090500000] Ymir is a shining star. [1090500010] In our eyes, the only star upon the black canvas of the night. [1090500020] Our meeting with the Count taught us of the star-draped sky. [1090500030] We know that we cannot reach out to touch it. [1090500040] But we can peer up at its brilliance, and heed its guidance. [1090500050] We will never again lose our way in the night.

Section 10 [1090510000] I have spoken far too freely. [1090510010] Pay me no mind. Let us focus on our shared purpose. [1090510020] Our service to Count Ymir.

Section 20 [1090520000] Now, be on your way.

Section 50 [1090550000] Tell me. [1090550010] Where did you find this? [1090550020] Hmm. [1090550030] No, do not explain. [1090550040] I have one star alone. [1090550050] And only his words will do...

Section 55 [1090555000] Stop. [1090555010] What did you just say? [1090555020] Hmmm. [1090555030] Wait, no. Say nothing. [1090555040] I have one star alone. [1090555050] And only his words will do...

Section 60 [1090560000] I will say this much. [1090560010] I am in your debt. [1090560020] But I will hear no more. [1090560030] I have one star alone. [1090560040] And only his words will do...

Section 70 [1090570000] Be on your way. [1090570010] I will hear no more about this.

10906 Section 00 [1090600000] You were warned. [1090600010] Not to betray the kindness of Count Ymir. [1090600020] Appalling. Your lot never ceases to repulse me. [1090600030] Such willingness to exploit true largesse. [1090600040] Surrender. To the Night of Jolán.

Section 50 [1090650000] You have betrayed the kindness of Count Ymir. [1090650010] Appalling. Your lot never ceases to repulse me. [1090650020] Such willingness to exploit true largesse. [1090650030] Surrender. To the Night of Jolán.

10907 Section 00 [1090700000] What have you done? [1090700010] You've wounded Count Ymir most irreparably. [1090700020] Such that he wishes for your death. [1090700030] And I must attend to the Count's concerns.

Section 50 [1090750000] You would abscond with it. [1090750010] The whole of Count Ymir's wisdom? [1090750020] You undeserving little miscreant. [1090750030] Surrender. To the Night of Jolán.

10908 Section 00 [1090800000] You have only yourself to blame, base creature.

Section 10 [1090810000] Count Ymir... [1090810010] I, Jolán, am afraid that I...

10909 Section 00 [1090900000] Why... [1090900010] Why did you cross Count Ymir?

Section 20 [1090920000] Oh, my dear star... [1090920010] A fine mother...you will be...

10911 Section 00 [1091100000] Surrender. To the Night of Jolán.

10912 Section 00 [1091200000] Count Ymir... [1091200010] The stars...the sky... I see them not...

Section 10 [1091210000] The Night is ever-dark. [1091210010] I need the stars... Give me light.

10913 Section 00 [1091300000] Oh, it blinds... [1091300010] As if our Night simply never was...

Section 10 [1091310000] No light...anywhere at all... [1091310010] This is the night I know. Our Night...

Condition b
Dialogue b


