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Did you mean..For the civilization, seek Hornsent (Lore).

The Hornsent is an character in Shadow of the Erdtree.


"At first glance, Hornsent seems a living contradiction. When you meet him, he bluntly scorns the Tarnished and their loyalty to the Erdtree, and yet, he helps you find places where Miquella left behind parts of his being. Is there more to his motives for cooperation? Like Freyja, you can find Hornsent at the Three-Path Cross Site of Grace on the Gravesite Plains."[1]

Character information[]

Basic info[]

Three Paths CrossHornsent set (Braided Arm Wraps, Braided Cord Robe, Caterpillar Mask, Soiled Loincloth)
Highroad Cross
Shadow Keep
If invaded by Needle Knight Leda
Ancient Ruins of Ruah
If summoned to fight Messmer
Do not summon him to fight Messmer
Items are looted from corpse following the battle

Summon sign[]

Summon sign
Messmer the Impaler


Braided Arm Wraps
Braided Cord Robe
Caterpillar Mask
Soiled Loincloth


Quest items[]

Questline steps[]

  1. Gravesite Plain


  • If the player has any soups from the Hornsent Grandam in their inventory, they may offer them to Hornsent.


English Dialogue  
All dialogue
Section 00

[1140100000] Fie, another? Treading the heels of Miquella? [1140100010] Then, as that woman would surely say, we are in our purposes well aligned... [1140100020] But understand—your kind are not forgiven. [1140100030] The Erdtree is my peoples' enemy—By Marika long betray'd, set aflame. [1140100040] I believe Miquella's apologies, when he says our delivery will come... [1140100050] But never will I see your kind as worthy.

11402 Section 00 [1140200000] And yet, my oath I cannot overlook. [1140200010] If Miquella it is whom you would seek, then comrade, allow me to give you this. [1140200020] These are the sites of the crosses I've found. [1140200030] I urge you, follow after Miquella. [1140200040] As long as you abide by his footfalls, you will be no enemy to me.

Section 10 [1140210000] I urge you, follow after Miquella. [1140210010] As long as you abide by his footfalls, you will be no enemy to me.

Section 20 [1140220000] You have a knack for timing, my fellow. [1140220010] I've found the site of a new cross. Take this. [1140220050] New sites of crosses discovered. For you.

Section 30 [1140230000] Miquella has said as much himself—he wishes now to throw it all away. [1140230010] He says the act—though undoubtedly painful—will sear clean the Erdtree's wanton sin. [1140230020] The truth of his claim can be found at each cross. [1140230030] Tis evidence enough to earn my belief.

Section 40 [1140240000] Go to the misshapen tree of umbra. [1140240010] In that forsaken place, blood must spill—the blood of your fellows, the Erdtree faithful.

Section 50 [1140250000] Fie, another? Treading the heels of Miquella? [1140250010] Then, as that woman would surely say, we are in our purposes well aligned... [1140250020] But understand—your kind are not forgiven. [1140250030] The Erdtree is my peoples' enemy—By Marika long betray'd, set aflame. [1140250040] I believe Miquella's apologies, when he says our delivery will come... [1140250050] But never will I see your kind as worthy.

Section 60 [1140260000] And yet, my oath I cannot overlook. [1140260010] If Miquella it is whom you would seek, then comrade, allow me to give you this. [1140260020] It'll show you where crosses can be found.

Section 70 [1140270000] What's this? [1140270010] Do you think me in need of alms? [1140270020] Ah, but this dish... [1140270030] Tis fare o'the tower. I remember fondly this kin-clad scent. [1140270040] ...Brings back memories I'd all but forgot. [1140270050] This, by my troth, is but a dismal copy. [1140270060] Indeed, I think it rather plain to see... [1140270070] Things once broken can never be the same...

Section 80 [1140280000] Look. Take this for your troubles, won't you? [1140280010] I desire not to be in your debt.

Section 90 [1140290000] I've had my fill... [1140290010] Indeed, I have no wish...to wax nostalgic 'bout days gone by... [1140290020] Nor do I yearn to friendship kindle...

11403 Section 00 [1140300000] Intriguing. What remains there to be said? [1140300010] Do you presume us allies, even now? Though Miquella's spell is newly broken? [1140300020] I must profess, the spell mattered little. [1140300030] Uphold his covenant Miquella shall, and in godhood redeem our rueful clan. [1140300040] Then Marika, and vilest Erdtree both, will at last be from divinity wrench'd. [1140300050] And surely I...contented I will be.

Section 50 [1140350000] Fie, another? Treading the heels of Miquella? [1140350010] A brazen fellow you must surely be, to loose your tongue to a stranger as I. [1140350020] Do you presume us allies, even now? Though Miquella's spell is newly broken? [1140350030] I must profess, the spell mattered little. [1140350040] Uphold his covenant Miquella shall, and in godhood redeem our rueful clan. [1140350050] Then Marika, and vilest Erdtree both, will at last be from divinity wrench'd. [1140350060] And surely I...contented I will be.

11404 Section 00 [1140400000] But first, clear resounds the call of vengeance. [1140400010] The impaler, Messmer, must pay his due. [1140400020] In vengeance for the flames, my blade I wield... [1140400040] How could I allow myself to forget? [1140400050] Revenge alone assures me peace of mind.

11405 Section 00 [1140500000] Think not to hinder me upon my path. [1140500010] Lest you too wish to face the reckoning.

11406 Section 00 [1140600000] Messmer! Foe of my beloved people! [1140600010] In vengeance for the flames, my blade I wield!

Section 10 [1140610000] Have I made it known, accursed Messmer? [1140610010] My clan's suff'ring? Their pain? All that they felt? [1140610020] Do you understand now, your ugliness? [1140610030] Aaaaaargh!

11407 Section 00 [1140700000] We meet again I see, comrade-in-arms. [1140700010] Upon his end, did you see Messmer's face? [1140700020] Twas sublime—a very tangle of snakes! [1140700030] To think he dared to call us savages. [1140700040] When he himself was most base of all. [1140700050] Ha ha ha ha!

11408 Section 00 [1140800000] To say the least, I am to you indebted. [1140800010] Yet unquenched remains my thirst for revenge. [1140800020] The death of Messmer was merely the start. [1140800030] Now comes the piper to collect from Marika, her offspring, and all the Erdtree's denizens... [1140800040] In vengeance for the flames, my blade I wield... [1140800060] If Miquella's redemption soothes the ache...that throbs within, demanding blessed vengeance... [1140800070] Then I wish not to be by him redeemed.

Section 10 [1140810000] If Miquella's redemption soothes the ache...that throbs within, demanding blessed vengeance... [1140810010] Then I wish not to be by him redeemed.

11409 Section 00 [1140900000] What cruelty's this... [1140900010] Who would rob me of my one vital purpose? [1140900020] Am I so feeble, witless, dull of blade... [1140900030] That vengeance was never to have been mine?

11410 Section 00 [1141000000] O mother, O most cherished wife and child. [1141000010] It seems vengeance was not mine to enact. [1141000020] Where now should I point my tired blade...

Section 10 [1141010000] Where now should I point my tired blade...

11411 Section 00 [1141100000] In the end, I knew this day would come. [1141100010] The nature of your kind, I am certain, will always show itself, given time. [1141100020] Interfere not with my business, zealot.

Section 10 [1141110000] What could your purpose possibly be? [1141110010] I do not recollect begging for help.

Section 20 [1141120000] I ask you stay back—this is my revenge.

11412 Section 00 [1141200000] In the end, I knew this day would come. [1141200010] The nature of your kind, I am certain, will always show itself, given time. [1141200020] Interfere not with my business, zealot.

Section 10 [1141210000] So, your mongrel blood shows through at last. [1141210010] I was a fool to expect more of you. [1141210020] Small wonder Miquella employed his spells.

Section 20 [1141220000] Do not interfere—this is my revenge.

Section 30 [1141230000] Apologies... [1141230010] O Mother, wife, and...chil...

11415 Section 00 [1141500000] Tis just as the woman said it would be. [1141500010] Lord of the Erdtree, Lord of Marika... [1141500020] You too deserve to face the reckoning.

Section 50 [1141550000] Lord of the Erdtree, Lord of Marika... [1141550010] You too deserve to face my reckoning.

11417 Section 00 [1141700000] Your lord is slain. [1141700010] And you are next, Marika.

11418 Section 00 [1141800000] O Miquella... [1141800010] Please...redeem our...clan...


Japanese Dialogue  
All dialogue

[1140100000] …フン、お前も、ミケラに導かれた口か [1140100010] ならば我らは、あの女の言う同志という訳だ [1140100020] だが、勘違いするな。俺は、お前たちを許したのではない [1140100030] …黄金樹は敵だ。マリカは我らを裏切り、火をかけた [1140100040] ミケラがいかに詫び、救いを誓い…、その言葉が確かに真実であろうとも [1140100050] …俺はとうてい、お前たちを好きになれぬ

11402 Section 00 [1140200000] …だが、俺は約束を違えぬ [1140200010] お前がミケラを追うのなら、同志として教えてやろう [1140200020] 俺の知る、十字の場所だ [1140200030] …ミケラを追うがいい [1140200040] そうある限り、少なくとも、お前は俺の敵ではない

Section 10 [1140210000] …ミケラを追うがいい [1140210010] そうある限り、少なくとも、お前は俺の敵ではない

Section 20 [1140220000] …お前か。よい時機に現れるものだ [1140220010] 新しい十字を、見出した。持っていけ [1140220050] 新しい十字を、見出した。持っていけ

Section 30 [1140230000] …ミケラは、言っていた。すべてを棄てるつもりだと [1140230010] それは、その痛みは、黄金樹の大罪の垢離なのだと [1140230020] 十字は、その言葉が確かに真実である証 [1140230030] …だから私は、ミケラを信じている

Section 40 [1140240000] …あの捩じくれた、影の大樹に向かうがいい [1140240010] そして、精々殺し合え。黄金樹に与するもの同士でな

Section 50 [1140250000] …フン、お前も、ミケラに導かれた口か [1140250010] ならば我らは、あの女の言う同志という訳だ [1140250020] だが、勘違いするな。俺は、お前たちを許したのではない [1140250030] …黄金樹は敵だ。マリカは我らを裏切り、火をかけた [1140250040] ミケラがいかに詫び、救いを誓い…、その言葉が確かに真実であろうとも [1140250050] …俺はとうてい、お前たちを好きになれぬ

Section 60 [1140260000] …だが、俺は約束を違えぬ [1140260010] お前がミケラを追うのなら、同志として教えてやろう [1140260020] 十字の場所が記されている。持っていけ

Section 70 [1140270000] …施しとは、唐突だな [1140270010] 一体、何のつもりだ [1140270020] …だが、これは… [1140270030] 覚えがある。これは、塔の料理だ [1140270040] …ずっと、忘れていた。懐かしい味だ [1140270050] …だが、同じではない [1140270060] …当然だな [1140270070] 一度壊れたものは、二度と、元には戻らぬ…

Section 80 [1140280000] …これを、持っていけ [1140280010] お前に、借りなど作らぬ

Section 90 [1140290000] …二度は要らぬ [1140290010] 在りし日を、懐かしむつもりなどない [1140290020] お前と、慣れ合うつもりもな…

11403 Section 00 [1140300000] …ほう、まだ俺に声をかけるか [1140300010] ミケラの魅了が壊れた今、俺がまだ、お前たちの味方だと思うのか? [1140300020] …まあよい [1140300030] ミケラが、その誓いを違えず、一族をも救う神となるのなら [1140300040] マリカを、黄金樹を、神の座から引きずり下ろすのなら [1140300050] …それでいい

Section 50 [1140350000] …フン、お前も、ミケラに導かれた口か [1140350010] だとしても、よくも無防備に話しかけるものだ [1140350020] ミケラの魅了が壊れた今、俺がまだ、お前たちの味方だと思うのか? [1140350030] …まあよい [1140350040] ミケラが、その誓いを違えず、一族をも救う神となるのなら [1140350050] マリカを、黄金樹を、神の座から引きずり下ろすのなら [1140350060] …それでいい

11404 Section 00 [1140400000] …だが、その前に復讐が必要だ [1140400010] メスメルに。あの忌まわしき、串刺し公に [1140400020] 火の報いを、我が刃で刻んでやる [1140400040] ああ、もう二度と忘れまい [1140400050] 救いとは、復讐の先にしかないことを

11405 Section 00 [1140500000] …決して、俺の邪魔はするな [1140500010] そうするものはすべて、俺の敵だ

11406 Section 00 [1140600000] メスメル!一族の仇よ! [1140600010] 火の報いを、今こそ、お前に刻んでやるぞ!

Section 10 [1140610000] メスメルよ、思い知ったか! [1140610010] 一族の苦しみを!無念を!思いを! [1140610020] お前自身の醜さを! [1140610030]

11407 Section 00 [1140700000] …ああ、お前か [1140700010] 見たか?あのメスメルの最期を [1140700020] 唾棄すべき蛇の、醜く歪んだ死に顔を [1140700030] …よくも、我らを汚物と呼んだものだ [1140700040] どちらが真に汚物なのか、自分でも知っていただろうに! [1140700050]

11408 Section 00 [1140800000] お前には、世話になったな [1140800010] …だが、俺はもう、復讐を止められぬ [1140800020] …メスメルの死など、はじまりにすぎぬ [1140800030] マリカに、その子供たちに、すべての黄金樹の民に [1140800040] 火の報いを、我が刃で刻まねばならぬ [1140800060] …ミケラが、その救いが、復讐を忘れさせるのなら [1140800070] 俺は、もはや、そんなものは要らぬ

Section 10 [1140810000] …ミケラが、その救いが、復讐を忘れさせるのなら [1140810010] 俺は、もはや、そんなものは要らぬ

11409 Section 00 [1140900000] …何故だ [1140900010] どうして、復讐を奪うのだ [1140900020] 俺は、何もできぬのか [1140900030] 我が刃は、仇に届かぬのか

11410 Section 00 [1141000000] …ああ、母よ。愛する妻よ、幼子よ [1141000010] 復讐は、もう何処にもないのか? [1141000020] …我が刃は、何を刻めばよい…

Section 10 [1141010000] …我が刃は、何を刻めばよい…

11411 Section 00 [1141100000] …ああ、そうだろうとも [1141100010] 所詮、お前たちの本性など、そんなものだ [1141100020] 邪魔をするな。忠義面の雌犬めが!

Section 10 [1141110000] …お前、何を考えている? [1141110010] 加勢など、乞うた覚えはないのだがな

Section 20 [1141120000] 俺の復讐を、邪魔するな…

11412 Section 00 [1141200000] …ああ、そうだろうとも [1141200010] 所詮、お前たちの本性など、そんなものだ [1141200020] 邪魔をするな。忠義面の雌犬めが

Section 10 [1141210000] …お前も、やはり駄犬の類だったか [1141210010] 少しでも、期待した俺が愚かだった [1141210020] 分かる気がする。何故、ミケラがお前たちを魅了したのか…

Section 20 [1141220000] 俺の復讐を、邪魔するな…

Section 30 [1141230000] …すま、ない… [1141230010] 母よ。愛する、妻よ。幼…

11415 Section 00 [1141500000] …あの女の、言った通りか [1141500010] お前が、黄金樹の、マリカの王ならば [1141500020] 確かに、復讐に相応しい

Section 50 [1141550000] …お前が、黄金樹の、マリカの王ならば [1141550010] 俺の復讐に相応しい

11417 Section 00 [1141700000] …お前の王は、死んだ [1141700010] 次はお前だ。マリカよ…

11418 Section 00 [1141800000] …ミケラよ [1141800010] 一族を、救って…

11490 Section 00 [1149000100] ぐっ!ぐううっ! [1149000200] ぐっ、ぐわあああああっ!


