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Elden Ring Wiki

Hefty Furnace Pot is a tool in Elden Ring.


Craftable item prepared using a capacious cracked pot. Imbued with a hex of the furnace.

Throw at an enemy to create a whirlwind of flame.

The furnace's flame burns away both body and soul. When impurity is thus expunged, one calls it cleansing.

ヒビ大壺を使った製作アイテムのひとつ 焼炉の呪術が施されている


焼炉の炎は、人を魂まで焼き尽くす 穢れを焼く時、それは浄化と呼ばれる

Craftable item prepared using a capacious cracked pot. Imbued with a hex of the furnace.

Throw at an enemy to create a whirlwind of flame.

The furnace's flame burns away both body and soul. When impurity is thus expunged, one calls it cleansing.


Crafted with Greater Potentate's Cookbook (2).

Required items[]


Has 370 Fire Attack Power and launches human-sized foes into the air.


  • Deals 10 Stance damage.
  • Faith-scaling greatly increases Attack Power, while Strength and Dexterity provides minimal benefit: the former almost triples the AP, while the latter two barely adds 60% AP if both are at 99.
  • One of these is required to awaken the Furnace Golem that blocks the path to the Ruins of Unte.
  • Deals a large amount of damage if thrown into the "basket" on top of Furnace Golems.