Elden Ring Wiki

Greatshield Soldier Ashes is a spirit ash in Elden Ring.


Ashen remains in which spirits yet dwell. Use to summon five greatshield soldier spirits.

Spirits of greatshield soldiers who belonged to the Fallen Hawks, a band of soldiers that once explored the Eternal City. Stout defenders with a steady guard. Though their methods are somewhat crude, they work well as a squadron, and will attract the attention of enemies or lob ghostflame from the rearguard.



Ashen remains in which spirits yet dwell. Use to summon five greatshield soldier spirits.

Spirits of greatshield soldiers who belonged to the Fallen Hawks, a band of soldiers that once explored the Eternal City. Stout defenders with a steady guard. Though their methods are somewhat crude, they work well as a squadron, and will attract the attention of enemies or lob ghostflame from the rearguard.


Found on a corpse in Nokron, Eternal City, south-east of the Nokron, Eternal City Site of Grace.


  • Upgraded with Grave Gloveworts.
  • Summons five greatshield-wielding Fallen Hawk Soldiers that can shield bash and throw Pots.
  • Deal Strike damage with their shields and deal Magic damage and inflict Frostbite build-up with their bombs.
  • Generally very tanky thanks to their shields, which have high Physical block and overall decent non-Physical blocking. However, attacks that hit from above or below, like a Godskin Noble's Black Flame Ritual, will directly affect their rather mediocre HP directly and therefore kill them quickly.