Greatshield Soldier Ashes is a spirit ash in Elden Ring.
Ashen remains in which spirits yet dwell. Use to summon five greatshield soldier spirits.
Spirits of greatshield soldiers who belonged to the Fallen Hawks, a band of soldiers that once explored the Eternal City. Stout defenders with a steady guard. Though their methods are somewhat crude, they work well as a squadron, and will attract the attention of enemies or lob ghostflame from the rearguard.
Found on a corpse in Nokron, Eternal City, south-east of the Nokron, Eternal City Site of Grace.
- Upgraded with Grave Gloveworts.
- Summons five greatshield-wielding Fallen Hawk Soldiers that can shield bash and throw Pots.
- Deal Strike damage with their shields and deal Magic damage and inflict Frostbite build-up with their bombs.
- Generally very tanky thanks to their shields, which have high Physical block and overall decent non-Physical blocking. However, attacks that hit from above or below, like a Godskin Noble's Black Flame Ritual, will directly affect their rather mediocre HP directly and therefore kill them quickly.