Great-Jar's Arsenal is a talisman in Elden Ring.
It gives +19% Equip Load. This is considered a variant of the Arsenal Charm, and cannot be equipped at the same time as any other variant.
- Rewarded by the Great Jar, after defeating 3 Great Jar's Warriors, in Greyoll's Dragonbarrow.
- This area can only be approached from Deep Siofra Well.
- Speaking with the Great Jar will cause 3 duelist summon signs to appear on the ground. Defeat all 3 duelists in turn to be rewarded with the talisman.
- Similar to Fia's Champions, if playing online the duelists appear to be randomly selected from among actual online player-characters that have completed the Great Jar's challenge, which are then scaled and given infinite FP.
- If playing in offline mode, three pre-made characters are used instead.