Golden Seed is a bolstering material in Elden Ring.
A golden seed, found at the base of an illusory tree.
Increases a Sacred Flask's number of uses. (Can be used after resting at a site of grace.)
When the Elden Ring was shattered, these seeds flew from the Erdtree, scattering across the various lands, as if life itself knew that its end has come.
- Chapel of Anticipation
- One of the possible choices of a Keepsake during Character Creation.
- Limgrave
- Near Stormhill Shack on the road beyond Stormgate.
- In Stormhill Shack, after Roderika has moved to Roundtable Hold.
- By the entrance to Fort Haight.
- Dropped by Kenneth Haight.
- Dropped by Ulcerated Tree Spirit in Fringefolk Hero's Grave.
- Weeping Peninsula, near the path to Castle Morne.
- Stormveil Castle, near the Secluded Cell Site of Grace and the room where Nepheli is encountered.
- Dropped by Uncerated Tree Spirit in the lower area of the castle.
- Liurnia of the Lakes
- Near Academy Gate Town
- Caria Manor, past the room containing the Manor Upper Level Site of Grace.
- At the end of the bridge north of the Main Academy Gate Site of Grace.
- Southwest of the Ravine-Veiled Village Site of Grace, near the Ruin-Strewn Precipice.
- Academy of Raya Lucaria, west of the courtyard beyond the Red Wolf of Radagon encounter.
- Caelid
- On the path to the Bestial Sanctum.
- In Sellia, Town of Sorcery.
- On the road to Redmane Castle.
- Dropped by Putrid Tree Spirit in War-Dead Catacombs.
- Altus Plateau
- North of Seethwater River, on the path to Mt.Gelmir.
- Near the entrance to Dominula, Windmill Village.
- North-west of Minor Erdtree (Altus Plateau).
- Near the Erdtree Gazing Hill Site of Grace.
- Near the Altus Highway Junction Site of Grace.
- 2x beneath a golden tree past the western gate to the Capital Outskirts, near the Outer Wall Phantom Tree Site of Grace.
- 2x beneath a golden tree near the large gate, north-east of the Outer Wall Phantom Tree Site of Grace.
- Dropped by Ulcerated Tree Spirit south of Outer Wall Phantom Tree Site of Grace.
- Dropped by Ulcerated Tree Spirit in Leyndell, Royal Capital.
- Guarded by a Valiant Gargoyle south of the West Capital Rampart Site of Grace.
- Mt. Gelmir, past the Fully Grown Fallingstar Beast.
- Mountaintops of the Giants
- Forbidden Lands, near the Black Blade Kindred.
- By the frozen river leading to the Freezing Lake Site of Grace.
- Dropped by Ulcerated Tree Spirit in Giant's Mountaintop Catacombs.
- South of the Giant's Gravepost Site of Grace.
- Consecrated Snowfield
- North-east of the Consecrated Snowfield Site of Grace.
- South-West of Ordina, Liturgical Town.
- Crumbling Farum Azula
- Near the Dragon Temple Site of Grace.
- South-east of the Dragon Temple Rooftop Site of Grace.
- Siofra River
- North-west of the Worshipper's Woods Site of Grace.
- In the blood lake east of Mohgwyn Palace.
- Ainsel River
- On the western side of Nokstella, Eternal City.
- Dropped by Putrid Tree Spirit in the Grand Cloister, past the Lake of Rot.
- Elphael, Brace of the Haligtree
- Dropped by Putrid Tree Spirit in the rot lake near the Drainage Channel Site of Grace.
Sacred Flasks |
Blessings | |
Smithing Stones | |
Somber Smithing Stones | |
Grave Gloveworts | |
Ghost Gloveworts |