Elden Ring Wiki
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Glintstone is a type of mineral in Elden Ring.


Sorcery draws from the power embedded in glintstone.[1] It is said that glintstone is the amber of the cosmos, and that it contains the vitality of the stars.[2] Glintstones have a wide variety of applications: they can be embedded in staffs used to cast sorceries,[3] and the stone crowns worn by followers of the Academy of Raya Lucaria Conspectuses;[4] used as ornamentation in various weapons;[5][6][7] or used as a receptacle for a sorcerer's soul after removal using a Primal Glintstone Blade.[8][9] In addition, many glintstone sorceries conjure projectiles made of glintstone, which can be launched at enemies.[10]

Glintstone typically has a crystalline appearance, and many varieties exist. The glintstone embedded in the staffs of the Academy of Raya Lucaria's sorcerers is a turquoise colour,[11] a colour shared by many of the fundamental glintstone sorceries, while glintstone used by the Carian Royal Family is typically blue.[12][13]

Red glintstone is said to be formed from the blood of sacrifices, and enhances the power of thorn sorceries.[14][15] Red glintstone is also used in the staves wielded by Gelmir Man-Serpents, which can enhance the effect of lava sorceries.[16] This glintstone has an apparent connection to the blood star.[17]

Rarer forms of glintstone include dark purple crystals which can enhance gravity sorceries[18], and sullied glintstone which enhances death sorceries and is considered heretical by the academy.[19]



Relevant Items[]

Items related to or referencing Glintstone


  1. Sorceress Sellen: "Our art draws upon the powers embedded in glintstone."
  2. Sorceress Sellen: "Glintstone is the amber of the cosmos. Golden amber contains the remnants of ancient life, and houses its vitality, while glintstone contains residual life, and thus the vitality of the stars."
  3. Glintstone Staff
  4. Karolos Glintstone Crown
  5. Lazuli Glintstone Sword
  6. Glintstone Kris
  7. Carian Knight's Sword
  8. Sellen's Primal Glintstone
  9. Primal Glintstone Blade
  10. Crystal Barrage
  11. Academy Glintstone Staff
  12. Carian Regal Scepter
  13. Carian Glintstone Staff
  14. Alberich's Pointed Hat
  15. Staff of the Guilty
  16. Gelmir Glintstone Staff
  17. Briars of Punishment
  18. Meteorite Staff
  19. Prince of Death's Staff