Glintstone is a type of mineral in Elden Ring.
Sorcery draws from the power embedded in glintstone.[1] It is said that glintstone is the amber of the cosmos, and that it contains the vitality of the stars.[2] Glintstones have a wide variety of applications: they can be embedded in staffs used to cast sorceries,[3] and the stone crowns worn by followers of the Academy of Raya Lucaria Conspectuses;[4] used as ornamentation in various weapons;[5][6][7] or used as a receptacle for a sorcerer's soul after removal using a Primal Glintstone Blade.[8][9] In addition, many glintstone sorceries conjure projectiles made of glintstone, which can be launched at enemies.[10]
Glintstone typically has a crystalline appearance, and many varieties exist. The glintstone embedded in the staffs of the Academy of Raya Lucaria's sorcerers is a turquoise colour,[11] a colour shared by many of the fundamental glintstone sorceries, while glintstone used by the Carian Royal Family is typically blue.[12][13]
Red glintstone is said to be formed from the blood of sacrifices, and enhances the power of thorn sorceries.[14][15] Red glintstone is also used in the staves wielded by Gelmir Man-Serpents, which can enhance the effect of lava sorceries.[16] This glintstone has an apparent connection to the blood star.[17]
Rarer forms of glintstone include dark purple crystals which can enhance gravity sorceries[18], and sullied glintstone which enhances death sorceries and is considered heretical by the academy.[19]
Relevant Items[]
Items related to or referencing Glintstone