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Giant's Flame incantations, also known as Flame incantations, are a type of Incantation spell in Elden Ring. These Fire-based incantations draw their power from the flame of ruin wielded by the Fire Giants of Flame Peak. They focus primarily on devastating attacks that can incinerate foes, unleash torrents of fire, or invoke protective flames to bolster the defenses and might of the caster. Many of these incantations demonstrate the raw, chaotic nature of fire, allowing for both area-of-effect damage and targeted assaults.

The Giant's Seal increases the effectiveness of offensive Giants' Flame incantations, except for Catch Flame, Fire's Deadly Sin, and Flame Sling.

List of Giant's Flame Incantations[]

Image Name Effect FP cost Faith req. Slots Location
ER Icon Spell Burn, O Flame! Burn, O Flame! Raises a series of flame pillars around the caster 26 27 1 Remembrance of the Fire Giant
ER Icon Spell Catch Flame Catch Flame Momentarily sparks flame from hand to ignite enemies 10 8 1 Purchased from Brother Corhyn
ER Icon Spell Fire's Deadly Sin Fire's Deadly Sin Sets the area and caster ablaze with raging flames 26 19 1 "Flightless Bird" Painting (Dominula, Windmill Village)
ER Icon Spell Flame, Cleanse Me Flame, Cleanse Me Alleviates poison and scarlet rot buildup 14 12 1 Found in the Fire Monk campsite in east Liurnia of the Lakes
ER Icon Spell Flame, Fall Upon Them Flame, Fall Upon Them Hurls several balls of fire at once 24 28 1 Purchased from Brother Corhyn with Giant's Prayerbook
ER Icon Spell Flame, Grant Me Strength Flame, Grant Me Strength Raises physical and fire-affinity attack power 28 15 1 Found in a camp in Caelid near Fort Gael
ER Icon Spell Flame of the Fell God Flame of the Fell God Summons a giant fireball that explodes and sets the area ablaze 20 41 2 Defeat Adan, Thief of Fire, at the Malefactor's Evergaol
ER Icon Spell Flame, Protect Me Flame, Protect Me Greatly increases fire damage negation 30 24 1 Found in the Giant-Conquering Hero's Grave
ER Icon Spell Flame Sling Flame Sling Throws a ball of raging fire at foes 11 10 1 Purchased from Brother Corhyn
ER Icon Spell Giantsflame Take Thee Giantsflame Take Thee Hurls a massive ball of raging fire 32 30 2 Purchased from Brother Corhyn with Giant's Prayerbook
ER Icon Spell O, Flame! O, Flame! Momentarily sparks roaring flame from hand 12 16 1 Purchased from Brother Corhyn with Fire Monks' Prayerbook
ER Icon Spell Surge, O Flame! Surge, O Flame! Incinerates area before caster with a stream of fire 2 (2) 9 1 Purchased from Brother Corhyn with Fire Monks' Prayerbook
ER Icon Spell Whirl, O Flame! Whirl, O Flame! Sweeps the area before caster with a stream of fire 21 13 1 Defeat Scarab in northern Caelid

Boosting Giants' Flame Incantations[]



See also[]


  1. Candletree Wooden Shield
  2. Finger Reader Enia: "The burning of the Erdtree is the first cardinal sin."
  3. Fire's Deadly Sin