To the east, the Jagged Peak thrusts upwards into the clouds. |
The Foot of the Jagged Peak is a subregion of the Realm of Shadow in Shadow of the Erdtree. This area of the map is revealed by Map: Southern Shore.
The Foot of the Jagged Peak lies on the Southern Shore, connecting the Gravesite Plain to the Jagged Peak.[1] This craggy region is characterized by brown grass, sparse trees with few branches, and a vibrant orange sky. Fierce winds whistle around massive stones that thrust upward from the rugged earth at sharp angles. This land has felt the Ancient Dragons' red lightning,[2] and the lifeless remains of numerous lesser dragons litter the landscape.[3]
To reach the Foot of the Jagged Peak, start from the Castle Front Site of Grace in front of Castle Ensis and head south to the Dragon's Pit. After defeating the Ancient Dragon-Man, exit via Dragon's Pit Terminus and travel southeast. The path diverges at a clearing where a Jagged Peak Drake lies sleeping:
- The wooded trail heading south is patrolled by Lightning Rams and Azula Beastmen. This route leads to the Grand Altar of Dragon Communion, where the colossal dragon's body rests. Beyond the dragon, Charo's Hidden Grave and the Cerulean Coast lie to the west.
- The northern trail passes beneath a molten rock archway. Following the mountain path, the route loops counterclockwise around the Finger Ruins of Rhia. Use the Spiritspring to ascend to the Foot of the Jagged Peak Site of Grace, located across the bridge. The winds intensify, carrying glowing embers through the air. Climb the steep ramp past Igon and the dueling Jagged Peak Drakes to reach the Jagged Peak.
- Dragon's Pit
- Grand Altar of Dragon Communion
Sites of Grace[]
- Dragon Communion Priestess (Grand Altar of Dragon Communion)
- Igon
- Jagged Peak Drake x2
- Jagged Peak Drake (no loot or nameplate)
Notable loot[]
- Ancient Dragon's Blessing (repeatable from Dragon Communion Priestess)
- Dragon Heart (defeat Jagged Peak Drake)
- Dragonscale Flesh (defeat Jagged Peak Drake)
- Greater Potentate's Cookbook [6]
- Igon's Bell Bearing (defeat Bayle and visit Igon)
- Igon's Cookbook [1]
- Igon's Furled Finger (defeat Jagged Peak Drake and talk to Igon)
- Igon's Greatbow (defeat Bayle and visit Igon)
- Igon's Set (defeat Bayle and visit Igon)
- Igon's Helm
- Igon's Armor
- Igon's Gauntlets
- Igons' Lioncloth
Minor loot[]
- Dragon's Calorbloom (limited; 8% chance from wildlife)
- Red Fulgurbloom
- Sharp Gravel Stone
- Spiritspring
- Summoning Pool (near lower Jagged Peak Drake)
- The northward path toward Bayle the Dread is marked by his signature magma.
- The Jagged Peak Drake fights using its wings much like Bayle the Dread and harnesses orange Flame Lightning.
- Many drake warriors traveled the Foot of the Jagged Peak, where Dragon's Calorbloom blossoms from their bodies.[4]
See also[]