Elden Ring Wiki
ER Icon Flask crimson tears 1

An empty flask of blessed tears

Flasks are a set of refillable tools in Elden Ring, consisting of the Flask of Wondrous Physick and the sacred flasks: Flask of Cerulean Tears and Flask of Crimson Tears.


The sacred flasks are crafted in the likeness of a golden chalice that was blessed by a sacred tear.[1] These tears were profound blessings of the Erdtree that were collected in abundance during the early reign of Queen Marika.[2]

List of sacred flasks[]

Icon Name Effect Location
ER Icon Flask crimson tears 4 Flask of Crimson Tears Restores HP Stranded Graveyard
ER Icon Flask cerulean tears 4 Flask of Crimson Tears Restores FP Stranded Graveyard
ER Icon Flask of Wondrous Physick Flask of Wondrous Physick Applies the effects of a Crystal Tear Third Church of Marika




See also[]

