Flame, Cleanse Me is an incantation spell in Elden Ring. It is one of the Fire Monk incantations.
One of the incantations of the Fire Monks.
Creates a fire within that burns away toxins. Alleviates poison and scarlet rot buildup and cures these ailments.
This incantation leaves the caster with subtle burns—a reminder that they must fear the flame.
Loot: Liurnia of the Lakes
- Flame, Cleanse Me can be looted from a corpse at the Fire Monk campsite located south of the Church of Vows in eastern Liurnia.
Alleviates buildup of the Poison and Scarlet Rot status effects and cures Frostbite, Poison, and Scarlet Rot.
Deals 15 HP damage to the caster.
- Costs 14 FP per cast.
- Costs 10 Stamina per cast.
- Requires 1 Memory Slot.
- The reason that Frostbite is only removed when fully applied instead of also when it's building up is because the flat HP damage is considered to be Fire damage, and an effect of that damage type is that it removes applied Frostbite.
- This incantation is considered vital for navigating swamp areas filled with Poison and Scarlet Rot.
- This is especially true for Scarlet Rot areas as other means of removing it is either in limited supply (Preserving Boluses) or only get one use without resting at a Site of Grace again (Speckled Hardtear).
- While technically only the Prophet and Confessor origins have enough Faith to use this incantation by default, it can still be used by any starting Origin's at base Faith by using the Two Fingers Heirloom (a Prisoner will need another point in Faith, easiest gained with either Marika's Scarseal or a Commoner's Garb or Commoner's Simple Garb).
- All Origins also start with enough FP to cast this incantation at least 3 times without using a Flask of Cerulean Tears, provided they haven't used any FP for anything too expensive.