Elden Ring Wiki

Fire Monk Armor is an armor piece found in Elden Ring.


Black iron armor adorned with a red cloth. Attire of the Fire Monks.

The grotesque face sculpted on the chest is said to depict the corrupt ancient god of the flame. Taboos transform into lasting obsessions by virtue of the fear that they inspire.

赤衣を纏った黒鉄の胴鎧 火の僧兵たちの装束

胸当てに象られた異形の面は 古い火の悪神であるという 禁忌は、恐れによって刷り込まれる

Black iron armor adorned with a red cloth. Attire of the Fire Monks.

The grotesque face sculpted on the chest is said to depict the corrupt ancient god of the flame. Taboos transform into lasting obsessions by virtue of the fear that they inspire.


Chance to drop from Fire Monk enemies.
