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O trifling giant, mayest thou tend thy flame for eternity.- Queen Marika

The Fire Giant is a boss in Elden Ring. He is encountered at Flame Peak on the Mountaintops of the Giants. This encounter is not optional as it must be completed to unlock Crumbling Farum Azula and advance the main storyline.


In the days before the Erdtree, the Giants carved out a civilization in the inhospitable mountains to the north, after chasing away the Ice Dragons who had previously ruled it.[1] Here, they worshipped a Fell God and were bound to tend the Flame of their god for eternity.[2]

Before Queen Marika the Eternal ushered in her Age of the Erdtree, she had her then husband, Godfrey, the first Elden Lord, launch an attack against the Giants,[3] fearing that their fire might burn her Erdtree.[4]

The mighty Giants borrowed the power of their fell god, but were still defeated[2] by Godfrey[5] and his Crucible Knights,[6] with Marika allegedly striking down the fell god.[7] Only a single Fire Giant remained, and Marika cursed him to forever tend his Flame, ensuring it could not harm her Erdtree.[8] During this time, the Fire Giant crafted a leg brace for a wound on his left leg.

After untold ages of tending the flame, the Fire Giant's vigil is interrupted by a Tarnished, seeking to harness the Flame to burn the Erdtree. The Fire Giant fights to crush the champion, but the Tarnished repeatedly strikes at the Giant's legs, slicing apart his leg brace and causing the Giant's left leg to break. In immense pain, the Fire Giant tears off the foot of his broken leg, using it as a sacrifice to unleash the power of the fell god. Despite being on more even terms, the Fire Giant is eventually felled by the Tarnished.

Boss Fight[]

Alexander, Warrior Jar is available as a summon for this fight, provided he has been met at Mt. Gelmir. His summon sign is just inside the boss gate.

Torrent can be used during this fight.


The arena is a large snowfield with craggy, uneven terrain. The field slops upwards from the entrance, and the Giant begins the fight at the top of the slope. Torrent can be called during this fight, and is useful for covering distance and avoiding the avalanche by jumping.


Moveset List  
Jumping Slam Phase 1
Jumps in the air and slams the giant dish onto the ground.
Grapestomp Phase 1
Stomps with his right foot.
Dish Slam Phase 1
Raises the dish, charges towards the player, and slams it into the ground.
Avalanche Phase 1
Digs the dish into the ground and pulls it back out, sending a wave of snow towards the player.
Roll Phase 1
Grips the dish with both hands and rolls forwards. This can cause damage if he hits the player.
Giantsflame, Take Thee Phase 1 & 2
Hurls a fast-moving ball of fire at the player. He only performs this move after his leg brace has been destroyed. In phase 2, he throws two fireballs.
Flame of the Fell God Phase 1 & 2
Summons a giant orb of fire which slowly moves towards the player, exploding when it gets close enough. In phase 2 he summons two orbs at once.
Burn, O Flame! Phase 2
Slams his hands into the ground, causing pillars of fire to erupt all around him.
Sideways Roll Phase 2
Rolls sideways to reposition.
Fire Breath Phase 2
Breathes a jet of fire from the mouth on his abdomen.
Fist Slam Phase 2
Slams his fists into the ground one at a time, and then strikes the ground with both fists together.
Flame, Fall Upon Them! Phase 2
Roars and turns his abdomen-face to the sky, releasing a shower of burning rocks from the mouth which rain down on the arena and explode.

Phase 1[]

During phase 1, the Fire Giant will fight using a large, circular dish. Although he is fairly slow-moving, he is able to cover distance using his roll. He also possesses the ability to launch an avalanche straight towards the player. Initially, the majority of his attacks involve slamming the dish into the ground.

The objective initially is to attack the red braids wrapped around his left leg. After enough damage has been dealt, the braids will fall off, uncovering his injured ankle. At this point he will roll three times in succession, and then reach into the mouth on his abdomen, coating his hand in flames. He now gains the ability to use two fire-based abilities- a fast-moving fireball, and a large, slow-moving fire orb that homes in on the player.

Phase 2[]

Once his health drops below 47%, a cutscene plays and phase 2 begins. The Fire Giant has now lost the large dish as well as his left leg, and is forced to kneel on the ground. He is less mobile during this phase, however he can still roll. He now has a greater variety of fire spells. He may summon pillars of fire that erupt from the ground around him, breathe fire, or spew molten rocks that rain down on the arena. His weak spot is now on his left forearm.



  1. Borealis's Mist
  2. 2.0 2.1 Burn, O Flame!
  3. Melina: "Hark, brave warriors. Hark, my lord Godfrey. We commend your deeds. Guidance hath delivered ye through each ordeal, to the place ye stand. Put the Giants to the sword, and confine the flame atop the mount. Let a new epoch begin. An epoch glistening with life. Brandish the Elden Ring, for the Age of the Erdtree!"
  4. Fire's Deadly Sin
  5. Elden Lord Crown
  6. Crucible Axe Helm
  7. One-Eyed Shield
  8. Remembrance of the Fire Giant
