Fingerprint Helm is an armor piece in Elden Ring.
It is part of the Fingerprint Set.
Iron helm singed and blistered by fingers. Worn by Vyke, knight of the Roundtable Hold.
No other Tarnished was closer to the throne of the Elden Lord than Vyke. But without announcement, Vyke traveled far below the capital, and was scorched by the flame of frenzy.
Did he make his choice for his maiden, or did some other force lure him with suggestion?
指痕に焼け爛れた鉄兜 円卓の騎士、ヴァイクの装備
ヴァイクは、かつて エルデの王に最も近づいた褪せ人の一人であったが 突然に王都の奥深くに潜り、狂い火に焼け爛れた
それは、己の巫女のためだったろうか あるいは何者かが、唆しを囁いたのだろうか
Received after defeating Roundtable Knight Vyke inside the Lord Contender's Evergaol located on Mountaintops of the Giants.