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The Dragonlord whose seat lies at the heart of the storm beyond time is said to have been Elden Lord in the age before the Erdtree. Once his god was fled, the lord continued to await its return.Remembrance of the Dragonlord

Dragonlord Placidusax is an optional remembrance boss in Elden Ring, encountered in Crumbling Farum Azula.


ER Icon Talisman Old Lord's Talisman

Old Lord's Talisman

In the prehistoric era before the age of the Erdtree, the world was ruled by the ancient dragons.[1] Above them all was Placidusax, a many-headed ancient Dragon who ruled as Elden Lord[2][3] from the royal city of Farum Azula.[4] When Placidusax's god fled, the Dragonlord resolved to await its return, withdrawing to his seat at the heart of the storm beyond time.[2]

At some point during his timeless rule, Placidusax was betrayed by one of his own; Bayle the Dread. Bayle inflicted a grievous wound upon the Dragonlord before fleeing, eventually coming to reside in the Realm of Shadow. Placidusax had his servants direct the humans to hunt Bayle and his drake brood, laying the foundations of Dragon Communion.[5]

Farum Azula became a mausoleum enshrining Placidusax, guarded by chosen Beastmen.[6] Despite his stasis, Placidusax continued to grant blessings to his followers.[7] During his absence, the age of the Erdtree began under the rule of Queen Marika the Eternal.

Several of Placidusax's Gravel Stone scales were disseminated throughout the world. They were used as smithing stones said to allow for the creation of god-slaying weapons by lightly twisting time.[8]

Game events[]

The Tarnished eventually finds their way into Placidusax's seat at the heart of the storm while exploring Farum Azula in search of the Rune of Death. They approach Placidusax, who attempts to ward off the intruder. Placidusax ultimately falls to the Tarnished interloper, dying without ever being reunited with their missing god.[9]

Boss Fight[]


Moveset List  
Ancient Dragons' Lightning Strike Phase 1 & 2
Roars, summoning a storm of red lightning bolts across the arena for several seconds. Red sparks will appear before each strike.
Giant Lightning Bolt Phase 1 & 2
Generates a giant lightning bolt in his left hand and drives it into the ground in front of him, causing great damage to anything caught in the impact. He then slams his hand into the bolt, creating a large explosion around him. The area of effect can be judged by the red waves which emanate from the bolt after he drives it into the ground, before the explosion.
Lightning Claws Phase 1 & 2
Produces claws made of lightning from either hand and either slashes horizontally or slams them down in front of himself. He may then scrape the claws back up.
Wing Slam Phase 1 & 2
Uses either of his wings to perform a smashing attack on anything to his side. Rapidly brings the wing back up again for additional damage.
Lightning Claw Lunge Phase 1 & 2
Rears up and bristles with lightning, before leaping forwards and swiping with his lightning claws.
Golden Fire Breath Phase 1 & 2
Breathes golden flames from both heads in an arc in front of him. One head will start breathing slightly before the other. He may leap sideways just before doing this.
Rear Fire Breath Phase 1 & 2
Turns his heads and breathes fire across his body. He will typically use this if the player is behind him.
Tail Sweep Phase 1 & 2
Turns around, sweeping his tail across the ground with him. He will typically use this if the player is behind him, in order to turn to face them.
Boulder Throw Phase 1 & 2
Scrapes his lightning claws along the ground with his left hand, and then throws a volley of rocks at the player with his right hand.
Thundercloud Phase 2
Floats into the air and vanishes. A few seconds later, a thundercloud appears in the air somewhere near the edge of the arena. Placidusax emerges from the cloud and dives towards the player with his lightning claws.
Teleporting Lightning Claws Phase 2
Vanishes into mist and reappears multiple times, performing slashes and lunges with his claws.
Moving Thundercloud Phase 2
Floats into the air and vanishes. A few seconds later, a thundercloud appears in the air and moves around the edge of the arena. Placidusax emerges from the cloud and dives towards the player with his lightning claws.
Placidusax's Ruin Phase 2
Performs a Lightning Strike and then vanishes while the lightning bolts are still being summoned. Performs his Moving Thundercloud move and lands some distance from the player. Breaths fire directly in front of him using both heads, before both jets of fire turn into narrow lasers which sweep erratically around the arena, covering a large distance.

Phase 1[]

Placidusax will begin the fight by summoning a storm of red lightning bolts which rain down on the arena for a few seconds. During his first phase, he will primarily use lightning claw attacks if the player is in front, a slam attack with his wings if they are to either side, and a tail sweep if they get behind him. He also has fire breath attacks which cover a large area in front of or around him. He has an area of effect attack which involves summoning a large lightning bolt and thrusting it into the ground, creating a massive explosion after a short delay. When he performs this attack, the music will briefly get quieter and red waves will emanate from where the lightning bolt hits, providing an indicator for the range of the explosion.

Phase 2[]

Placidusax now gains the ability to disappear in a cloud of fog. If he floats into the air before doing so, he will reappear in a stationary or moving thundercloud above the arena, before emerging and diving down at the player. He also gains the ability to disappear and reappear in quick succession, unleashing attacks with his lightning claws in between.


The arena is a large, circular platform with pillars dotted around the outside. These can be destroyed by Placidusax's attacks. The size of the arena gives ample room to avoid his area of effect or dodge his divebomb attacks.


  • Placidusax shows serious signs of damage on it's body. Notably he is missing three of his five heads and second pair of wings, in spite of the Old Lord's Talisman showing just four with complete wings.[10]
    • One of Placidusax's heads was lost prior to Bayle's betrayal.
    • Two of the Dragonlord's lost heads, as well as parts of their respective necks, can be found on the body of Bayle the Dread, still biting into the drake's neck.
  • Part of a dragon’s body (an arm, wing, and head) resembling Placidusax can be seen sticking out of a body of rock in Farum Azula prior to reaching his arena.
  • According to the Remembrance of the Dragonlord, Placidusax was an Elden Lord before the era of the Erdtree, making him the earliest known Elden Lord.
  • The Dragon Communion Priestess implies Placidusax felled the colossal drake at the Grand Altar of Dragon Communion and devoured its dragon heart.[11] However, Placidusax does not wield metal rods against the player.





  1. Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman
  2. 2.0 2.1 Remembrance of the Dragonlord
  3. Dragon King's Cragblade
  4. Old Lord's Talisman
  5. Dragon Communion Priestess: "In a long time past, Bayle turned upon the Dragonlord. The foul traitor assailed our master and inflicted a grievous wound, only to make a hasty retreat. Becoming a sworn enemy of the brood. Since that day, Bayle and his bloodline -- the drakes -- have served as sacrifices for Dragon Communion. "
  6. Azula Beastman Ashes
  7. Ancient Dragon's Blessing
  8. Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone
  9. Placidusax's Ruin
  10. YouTube
  11. Dragon Communion Priestess: "Landbound warrior. My Lord, Placidusax, has shown your kind what must be done. Seek communion. Sate your boundless appetite."
