Dragoncrest Shield Talisman is a talisman in Elden Ring.
It gives +10% physical damage reduction. This talisman has 4 variants, including Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman, only one of which can be equipped at a time.
Wrought iron talisman depicting an ancient dragon.
Boosts physical damage negation.
The ancient dragons, who ruled in the prehistoric era before the Erdtree, would protect their lord as a wall of living rock.
And so it is that the shape of the dragon has become symbolic of all manner of protections.
- Obtained from a corpse that lies on the ground, near Bestial Sanctum, in northern Greyoll's Dragonbarrow. Equipping the Longtail Cat Talisman here, or using Soft Cotton is very helpful, as there are several parkour drops coming up that will deal unavoidable damage, and there are Bat enemies in the area. From the front door of the sanctum, head southwest around the side of the sanctum, until reaching a cliff that overlooks a large tree root, close enough to drop to. Drop from here to the branch, to another branch, to a domed rooftop, and then to the first of 3 ring structures, jutting out from the cliffside. Jump up to the ledge surrounding the nearby pillar, walk across the buttress to the next pillar, drop to the lower ledge, jump to another lower ledge on the first pillar, and drop down to the second ring. Jump to the next-lower ledge on the outer pillar, walk across the buttress, and jump to a ledge that sticks out from the wall below. At this point, it is recommended to mount Torrent, as the final jump is extremely difficult to make on foot, while almost trivial to make with Torrent's double-jump ability. The third ring below is just barely beyond the instant-death threshold for falling, so instead, aim for the ledge on that outer pillar, just a few feet above the ring. After finally reaching the third ring, head northeast along it to find the corpse.