Divine Tower of Caelid is a location in Elden Ring.
A Divine Tower in the northern section of Greyoll's Dragonbarrow in Caelid. The Divine Tower of Caelid is unique among Divine Towers, as the only way to access it is to scale the outside, making use of narrow platforms and ladders. In addition, the interior of the Divine Tower can also be explored once the player has ascended to the mid-point.
At the top of the tower, the player may restore power to Radahn's Great Rune by interacting with the glowing Rune in front of the corpse of a Two Fingers.
Sites of Grace[]
Located halfway up the Divine Tower, after climbing the outside.
Located near the bottom of the interior of the Divine Tower.
Notable Loot[]
- Rune Arc
- Dragonwound Grease
- Somber Smithing Stone 9
- Arteria Leaf
- Stonesword Key
- Golden Rune 12
- Godslayer's Greatsword
- Godskin Apostle Set (dropped by Godskin Apostle)