Diallos's Mask is an armor piece found in Elden Ring.
Replica of a twin-tailed silver helm with flowery adornments. Only, without the twin tails.
Diallos Hoslow had an older brother who was a stern, self-possessed man of few words. His achievements made him seem out of reach.
And so the younger aspired to be like the older. Yearning for the day that he would tell the tale of House Hoslow, in blood. Knowing full well that it would break his brother's heart.
双尾を花で飾った銀鉄の兜 その、双尾なきレプリカ
ディアロス・ホスローには、兄がいた 寡黙にして冷徹な、遠く及ばぬ兄が
弟は、兄のようになりたかった 血潮で物語る、ホスローになりたかった 兄が、それを望まぬと知っていても
Obtained from Knight Diallos after completing his questline, or by killing him.