Elden Ring Wiki

Deep Siofra Well is a location in Elden Ring.


An ancient structure in a deep ravine in northern Caelid. Inside is a lift which connects Caelid to Siofra River. As the ravine is inaccessible from the rest of Caelid, the only way to access this area is by taking the lift up from beside the Below the River Well Site of Grace in northeastern Siofra River, requiring two Stonesword Keys to activate it.

The ravine branches in two directions from the well. Travelling south will lead to a one-way drop to the Swamp of Aeonia, while the western path leads to the Great Jar and the Caelid Colosseum.

Sites of Grace[]

Found just outside the entrance to the well.


Upon entering the Dragonbarrow location several passive Standing Sentry Stones will be found crowding the path, while Explosive ones dot the lower parts. Just around a corner is a Golem with a magical greatbow guarding the way, with another waiting far behind it to support. Since the second Golem will attack you when near the Great Jar and the first one will you near the second golem, it is best to take care of both before approaching.

Additionally, Gravel Stones dot the ground just before the stone the first Golem is standing on.

For the encounter with the gigantic Living Jar at the end, see the Great Jar page.



Notable Loot[]

Crafting Materials[]
