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Death Sorceries are a school of magic in Elden Ring.

They are a type of Sorceries associated with Death Rite Birds and the Prince of Death, as well as Magic damage and Frostbite build-up, and all have a secondary, lower requirement of Faith besides the Intelligence requirement almost all Sorceries have. It also includes the only spell that inflicts Death Blight build-up.

It's an ancient type of magic, practiced as hexes long before Marika's age of the Erdtree[1][2], and used to lay the dead to rest[3].

Though previously though to be lost, in more recent times they have returned in two ways: a heretical sage, Garris, rediscovered a simple form of death hex[4] and a follower of the Prince of Death, Fia, who needed a method to defend herself against the Tarnished that might try to stop her[5].

All the damaging Death Sorceries from the base game, Elden Ring itself, are granted a 10% damage boost if a Prince of Death's Staff is wielded in an active hand (the Shadow of the Erdtree ones, Rings of Spectral Light, Mass of Putrescence, and Vortex of Putrescence, don't receive this damage boost, presumably due to a bug as many DLC spells aren't boosted by many pieces of pre-DLC equipment).

List of Death Sorceries[]


  1. In the time when there was no Erdtree, death was burned in ghostflame. Deathbirds were the keepers of that fire. (Explosive Ghostflame)
  2. [A] horde of vengeful spirits [...] They are cinders of the ancient death hex, raked from the fires of ghostflame by Deathbirds. (Ancient Death Rancor)
  3. In an age long past, Death was burned by ghostflame. Even the remains of tainted flesh were given equal treatment in death. (Mass of Putrescence)
  4. Once thought lost, this ancient death hex was rediscovered by the necromancer Garris. (Rancorcall)
  5. Sorcery of Fia, the Deathbed Companion. [...] This sorcery was developed to oppose the Roundtable Hold, and is effective only against the Tarnished. (Rancorcall)