Elden Ring Wiki
Elden Ring Wiki

Critical Attacks are a variety of special attacks in Elden Ring that cause roughly 2.5 to 4 times as much damage as a regular attack, while also locking both the player and the affected enemy into a long animation.

Certain weapons, including almost all Claws and Daggers, have an increased Critical multiplier, increasing the damage of the Critical Attack by the stat divided by 100 (e.g. for the Miséricorde its large Critical multiplier of 140 is divided by 100 to get 1.4, which means it deals 40% extra damage on Critical Attacks).

The damage of Critical Attack is dependent on weapon type, and Ripostes usually deal about 25-30% more damage than Backstabs.

Ballistas, Bows, Crossbows, Greatbows, Light Bows, Sacred Seals, Staves, and Whips cannot be used to deliver Critical Attacks.


Backstabs are a type of Critical Attack made by hitting the light attack button when standing behind a roughly human-sized foe.

For human-sized bosses that don't use the same body as the Tarnished, such as Margit, the Fell Omen, backstabs are only possible when their Stance is broken, i.e. reduced to 0.


Riposted are a type of Critical Attack made by hitting the light attack button after either Parrying them (bosses can require several parries before being ripostable), dealing enough Stamina damage to a blocking enemy, or breaking an enemy's Stance.

List of Increased Critical Weapons[]

Format: Weapon name, weapon type (critical multiplier).

Related Items[]
