Elden Ring Wiki
Disambig This article is about the demo version of the Hero character base. For the final game version, see Hero.

Champion was one of the five characters introduced in the Elden Ring Closed Network Test.

Unlike the Prophet and Warrior origins, Champion, along with Bloody Wolf and Enchanted Knight, would not appear in the final game, though its armor and weapon would be inherited by the Hero origin and the shield would end up being carried by the Samurai origin.

Starting Equipment[]

ER Equipment Slot Icon Transparent R Weapon Weapons
ER Icon weapon Battle AxeTwo Battle Axes
Finger Seal - MENU Knowledge 11240 copy Finger Seal
ER Icon shield Red Thorn Roundshield Red Thorn Roundshield
ER Equipment Slot Icon Transparent Armor Armor
ER Icon Armor Champion Headband Champion Headband
ER Icon Armor Champion Pauldron Champion Pauldron
ER Icon Armor Champion Bracers Champion Bracers
ER Icon Armor Champion Gaiters Champion Gaiters
ER Equipment Slot Icon Transparent Item Items
Flask of Crimson Tears - MENU Knowledge 00018 copy Flask of Crimson Tears
Flask of Cerulean Tears - MENU Knowledge 00022 copy Flask of Cerulean Tears
ER Icon Tool vision of grace Vision of Grace
ER Equipment Slot Icon Transparent Spell Spells
Dragonfire - MENU Knowledge 06080 copy Dragonfire


Though the class isn't fully available as a starting Origin, even with the Hero carrying a majority of its equipment, it can be recreated.

The weapon and the shield, Battle Axe and Red Thorn Roundshield, can be gained by either starting as a Hero (this is also the only way to have 2 of them) or buying it from the Twin Maiden Husks and by starting as a Samurai or buying it from the Nomadic Merchant at Castle Morne Rampart in Weeping Peninsula, for the axe and shield respectively.

The Armor Set is more out of the way if not gained by starting as the Hero origin, as it's bought from the Nomadic Merchant in southern Caelid, southwest of the Southern Aeonia Swamp Bank Site of Grace and on the road split leading towards Redmane Castle.

The Finger Seal is bought from the Twin Maiden Husks or by starting as either either the Prophet or the Confessor origin, while Dragonfire requires a Dragon Heart (most easily gained by defeating Flying Dragon Agheel) and then sacrificing it at either the Church of Dragon Communion found past Coastal Cave in Limgrave or at the Cathedral of Dragon Communion in southern Caelid.

Suitable Origins[]

The Hero origin is obviously a good start if trying to recreate this class, seeing as it wears the correct Armor Set and both has a Battle Axe and is the only way to get two of them without starting another Journey. It will need 7 points in Faith and 1 in Arcane to cast Dragonfire but will probably be better off by switching the Finger Seal for a Clawmark Seal to better synergize with the Strength/Faith build it's more naturally set up for.

The Prophet origin could also be a decent base since it can wield the Battle Axe one-handed with only 1 more point in Strength and cast Dragonfire with 1 more point in Arcane, but will lack any fitting equipment to start with.
