Elden Ring Wiki

Carian Knight Gauntlets are hand armor in Elden Ring.


Gauntlets of the enchanted knights that once served the Carian royal family.

The enchanted knights, anointed by the Lunar Queen, were all heroes of the highest honors, but fell into disarray with the decline of the royal family.

かつてカーリア王家に仕えた 魔術騎士たちの手甲

月の女王に叙勲された騎士たちは 何れも一騎当千の英雄であったが 王家の衰退と共に、誰もいなくなった

Gauntlets of the enchanted knights that once served the Carian royal family.

The enchanted knights, anointed by the Lunar Queen, were all heroes of the highest honors, but fell into disarray with the decline of the royal family.


Can be found in front of a tombstone near the rotating lift inside Raya Lucaria.

Carian knight gauntlets details

Details by zlofsky
