Elden Ring Wiki

Carian Greatsword is a spell in Elden Ring. Creates a massive magical greatsword twice as long as a Pike and swings it in a wide horizontal slash. Has a slight delay between the casting time and the time it is swung so it will need to be timed carefully to avoid getting hit first (cancelling it), but damage is decent, Stance damage is very good and it can hit enemies through walls.


One of the sorceries of the Carian royal family.

Conjures a magic greatsword and then delivers a sweeping blow. This sorcery can be cast repeatedly.

Armed with this spell, sorcerers gain the strength of knights, their loyalty sworn to the moon.




One of the sorceries of the Carian royal family.

Conjures a magic greatsword and then delivers a sweeping blow. This sorcery can be cast repeatedly.

Armed with this spell, sorcerers gain the strength of knights, their loyalty sworn to the moon.

Show Patch Notes

Patch Changes
1.07 FP cost reduced from 14 to 12.


Purchase: Liurnia of the Lakes / Roundtable Hold
