Boiled Crab is a consumable tool in Elden Ring.
Boiled crab meat. A prime specimen of plump and moist meat. True connoisseurs know how to keep from over-salting.
Greatly boosts physical damage negation for a certain duration.
Unlike the "prawn" sold, this truly is crab. Not that it matters, it's delicious all the same.
茹で上げられたカニの身肉 プリプリとして汁気もある見事なもの これもまた、塩加減にコツがあるらしい
エビとは違い、これは確かにカニである まあ、美味ければそれでよいのだが
- Sold by Blackguard Big Boggart for 600 Runes each, after he moves to Capital Outskirts.
- Can be purchased from the Twin Maiden Husks at Roundtable Hold using Blackguard's Bell Bearing, if he died, for the same price.
- Only tied to his Bell Bearing if at last one was bought from him before his death.
- Increases Physical damage negation by 20% for 60 seconds.
- Counts as a Body Buff.
- Make sure to buy at least one as soon as it becomes available for sale so that it doesn't become permanently unavailable due to Boggart's storyline progression.